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1. Please don't mention AI again (mataroa.blog)
963 points by ludicity 13 days ago | 563 comments
2. The Lunacy of Artemis (idlewords.com)
723 points by feross 43 days ago | 513 comments
3. In Praise of Idleness (1932) (harpers.org)
270 points by TotalCrackpot 59 days ago | 107 comments
4. Watch cars evolve using genetic algorithm (rednuht.org)
484 points by memalign 66 days ago | 73 comments
5. Data Structures for Data-Intensive Applications [pdf] (2023) (bu.edu)
583 points by mfiguiere 4 months ago | 26 comments
6. Significant features introduced for recent versions of Perl (shiar.nl)
131 points by asicsp 5 months ago | 94 comments
7. The Big Little Guide to Message Queues (2020) (sudhir.io)
185 points by throwup238 5 months ago | 44 comments
8. Seeing like a bank (bitsaboutmoney.com)
605 points by arkadiyt 7 months ago | 455 comments
9. The cost of cloud, a trillion dollar paradox (2021) (a16z.com)
161 points by lnwlebjel 8 months ago | 149 comments
10. Patlabor 2, the Movie: realistic portrayal of modern aerial combat (taskandpurpose.com)
220 points by KolmogorovComp 8 months ago | 85 comments
11. The Great Hargeisa Goat Bubble (archive.org)
59 points by dmitrygr 8 months ago | 2 comments
12. Death by a Thousand Microservices (renegadeotter.com)
520 points by thunderbong 9 months ago | 376 comments
13. The Musaicum EU-plus 10M resolution image of Europe (imagico.de)
138 points by hk__2 10 months ago | 25 comments
14. Things I wish I knew before moving 50K lines of code to React Server Components (mux.com)
275 points by thunderbong 10 months ago | 512 comments
15. Homeric Question: With No Predecessor to Imitate, No Successor Could Imitate Him (fantasticanachronism.com)
30 points by divbzero 10 months ago | 1 comment
16. I didn't write any JavaScript, and other shortcuts (csvbase.com)
96 points by thunderbong 10 months ago | 69 comments
17. Perl 5.38 (perl.org)
176 points by thatwasunusual 12 months ago | 125 comments
18. Slide to Unlock (uwaterloo.ca)
1185 points by ivank on May 31, 2023 | 220 comments
19. A man sued Avianca Airline – his lawyer used ChatGPT (nytimes.com)
174 points by nlh on May 27, 2023 | 139 comments
20. Who Were ‘The Celts’ and How Did They (Some of Them) Fight? (acoup.blog)
74 points by gostsamo on May 12, 2023 | 30 comments
21. Fulfilling a reader's request for my “dot files” (rachelbythebay.com)
206 points by mdwalters on May 6, 2023 | 124 comments
22. Are sockets the wave of the future? (1990) (groups.google.com)
221 points by Lammy on May 7, 2023 | 90 comments
23. Scaling up the Prime Video audio/video monitoring service and reducing costs (primevideotech.com)
989 points by debdut on May 4, 2023 | 507 comments
24. Why is OAuth still hard in 2023? (nango.dev)
642 points by bastienbeurier on April 26, 2023 | 282 comments
25. Why Perl? (two-wrongs.com)
141 points by susam on April 20, 2023 | 198 comments
26. Programming isn’t coding (2020) (occasionallycogent.com)
149 points by luu on March 31, 2023 | 134 comments
27. Repeat yourself, do more than one thing, and rewrite everything (2018) (programmingisterrible.com)
255 points by bshanks on March 14, 2023 | 116 comments
28. Banning words won’t make the world more just (theatlantic.com)
981 points by furrowedbrow on March 2, 2023 | 1194 comments
29. What to expect from your framework (hal.se)
119 points by hejsna on Feb 17, 2023 | 86 comments
30. Microservices are hard (code-held.com)
267 points by PlumpyGER on Jan 10, 2023 | 343 comments

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