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1. Hacker confirms access through infostealer infection [withdrawn] (hudsonrock.com)
680 points by zbangrec 32 days ago | 216 comments
2. Jack Ma steps out from the shadows with morale-boosting post (reuters.com)
115 points by mfiguiere 83 days ago | 189 comments
3. Embracing Automation with GitHub Actions (bellroy.com)
18 points by michaelwebb76 6 months ago
4. Antidepressants or Tolkien (antidepressantsortolkien.vercel.app)
463 points by mdturnerphys 7 months ago | 99 comments
5. You probably don’t need to fine-tune an LLM (tidepool.so)
181 points by gk1 10 months ago | 73 comments
6. Felienne Hermans: How patterns in variable names can make code easier to read (youtube.com)
138 points by zdw on May 19, 2022 | 62 comments
7. Ask HN: Why don't more apps use peer to peer networking?
58 points by api on Aug 13, 2014 | 43 comments

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