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1. Mario meets Pareto (mayerowitz.io)
1583 points by superMayo 88 days ago | 177 comments
2. Launch HN: Aqua Voice (YC W24) – Voice-driven text editor
716 points by the_king 3 months ago | 244 comments
3. Show HN: Coursemate – connect with other self learners (coursem8.com)
283 points by collin1 on April 1, 2023 | 79 comments
4. Getting Past “Ampersand-Driven Development” in Rust (fiberplane.com)
163 points by emschwartz on March 9, 2023 | 173 comments
5. Pixels and Accessibility (joshwcomeau.com)
62 points by codenberg on May 18, 2022 | 19 comments
6. Jujutsu – A Git-compatible DVCS that is both simple and powerful (github.com/martinvonz)
568 points by rolisz on Feb 19, 2022 | 228 comments
7. Show HN: Mmm.page – Drag and drop personal website creator (mmm.page)
591 points by xhfloz on May 12, 2021 | 150 comments
8. Thanks HN: You helped save a company that now helps thousands make a living
1364 points by callmevlad on Jan 15, 2021 | 182 comments
9. The Safety Boat: Kubernetes and Rust (microsoft.com)
219 points by DeathArrow on May 1, 2020 | 96 comments
10. Launch HN: Motion (YC W20) – defense against online distractions and addictions
210 points by qiyuxuan96 on Feb 17, 2020 | 125 comments
11. Ask HN: What are the underrated newsletters you like reading?
298 points by marceee0901 on Feb 9, 2020 | 91 comments
12. Show HN: Debugger that generates video visualizations for algorithm learning (github.com/ccextractor)
102 points by kdrag0n on Jan 28, 2020 | 23 comments
13. A note on reading big, difficult books (bradford-delong.com)
146 points by MaysonL on Jan 8, 2020 | 51 comments
14. Operations for Effective CEOs (sametab.com)
413 points by anacleto on Dec 9, 2019 | 67 comments
15. Build Your Own X (github.com/danistefanovic)
867 points by hakanderyal on Nov 2, 2019 | 63 comments
16. Planet: Imaging the entire Earth every day (nbremer.github.io)
464 points by NaOH on Aug 14, 2019 | 133 comments
17. Bosch to be carbon neutral worldwide by 2020 (bosch-press.be)
113 points by vitro on May 16, 2019 | 40 comments
18. Rust: Beyond the Typechecker (merigoux.ovh)
273 points by UkiahSmith on April 16, 2019 | 129 comments
19. DopplerFi – Communication Between BLE and Wi-Fi by Injecting Doppler Shifts (arxiv.org)
192 points by snaky on April 9, 2019 | 23 comments
20. Fast, Bump-Allocated Virtual Doms with Rust and Wasm (hacks.mozilla.org)
241 points by BoumTAC on March 14, 2019 | 59 comments
21. Model Explainability is The Next Data Science Superpower (towardsdatascience.com)
222 points by headalgorithm on March 9, 2019 | 62 comments
22. What's the minimum number of words you'd need to define all other words? (2012) (reddit.com)
343 points by devilcius on March 7, 2019 | 159 comments
23. Most lives are lived by default (2012) (raptitude.com)
156 points by keiferski on Jan 7, 2019 | 61 comments
24. Ask HN: What books have made the biggest impact on your mental models?
692 points by baran on Sept 2, 2017 | 247 comments
25. Forget new year’s resolutions and conduct a ‘past year review’ instead (tim.blog)
94 points by galfarragem on Dec 28, 2018 | 8 comments
26. Speedy Web Compiler – A Rust port of Babel and Closure Compiler (github.com/swc-project)
382 points by kn8 on Dec 23, 2018 | 125 comments
27. Prac­ti­cal Ty­pog­ra­phy (practicaltypography.com)
261 points by beefhash on Nov 17, 2018 | 61 comments
28. Aether – Free, privacy-sensitive public communities (getaether.net)
290 points by HostFat on Nov 3, 2018 | 221 comments
29. Perceptual Illusions (nautil.us)
184 points by extraterra on Oct 26, 2018 | 24 comments
30. Questions (patrickcollison.com)
1106 points by tosh on Sept 30, 2018 | 470 comments

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