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1. Whisky: Wine supercharged with the power of Apple's game porting toolkit (getwhisky.app)
435 points by robin_reala on Nov 26, 2023 | 156 comments
2. The Philips Hue ecosystem is collapsing (rachelbythebay.com)
963 points by picture on Sept 26, 2023 | 707 comments
3. Tell HN: Google Cloud lets anyone add you to a project without your permission
303 points by Ephil012 on Dec 31, 2022 | 116 comments
4. The image in this post displays its own MD5 hash (retr0.id)
766 points by kstrauser on Sept 23, 2022 | 130 comments
5. Where’s the Apple M2? (tbray.org)
124 points by tosh on July 14, 2021 | 161 comments
6. Building a BitTorrent client from the ground up in Go (jse.li)
692 points by eat_veggies on Jan 4, 2020 | 90 comments
7. An opinionated approach to GNU Make (davis-hansson.com)
414 points by DarkCrusader2 on Dec 17, 2019 | 194 comments
8. Things to use in Python 3 (datawhatnow.com)
581 points by ausjke on May 15, 2019 | 255 comments
9. WatchMe – Watch for Changes on a Page (github.com/vsoch)
182 points by Bilters on April 26, 2019 | 35 comments

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