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1. Simple exercise to eliminate gastroesophageal reflux (2022) (nih.gov)
521 points by drones on May 24, 2023 | 231 comments
2. Push ifs up and fors down (matklad.github.io)
662 points by celeritascelery 9 months ago | 295 comments
3. Replacing the bad flyback transformer in Apple's Studio Display 17" (riveducha.com)
101 points by riveducha on Aug 5, 2023 | 63 comments
4. Run Llama 2 uncensored locally (ollama.ai)
722 points by jmorgan on Aug 2, 2023 | 212 comments
5. Pressure and vacuum marination does not work (2016) (genuineideas.com)
97 points by OJFord on July 19, 2023 | 63 comments
6. 1-Bit Hokusai’s ”The Great Wave” (hypertalking.com)
391 points by scraplab on May 8, 2023 | 72 comments
7. NSA, NIST, and post-quantum crypto: my second lawsuit against the US government (cr.yp.to)
974 points by trulyrandom on Aug 5, 2022 | 443 comments
8. Things people blamed on bicycles (twitter.com/paulisci)
780 points by the-archivist on Aug 24, 2022 | 817 comments
9. Ask HN: EU devs who moved to the States for work, has it been worth it?
117 points by Winterflow3r on Nov 28, 2021 | 206 comments
10. Show HN: Cleanvoice – Automated Podcast Editing (cleanvoice.ai)
221 points by autoencoders on Nov 20, 2021 | 117 comments
11. Spending $5k to learn how database indexes work (briananglin.me)
236 points by anglinb on Nov 6, 2021 | 199 comments
12. Hello IPv6: a minimal tutorial for IPv4 users (metebalci.com)
232 points by notmine1337 on Oct 7, 2021 | 92 comments
13. Linux in a Pixel Shader – A RISC-V Emulator for VRChat (blog.pimaker.at)
428 points by PiMaker on Aug 26, 2021 | 98 comments
14. Parsing Protobuf at 2+GB/S: How I Learned to Love Tail Calls in C (reverberate.org)
586 points by signa11 on April 25, 2021 | 190 comments
15. Undefined behavior in C is a reading error (yodaiken.com)
203 points by zdw on May 20, 2021 | 491 comments
16. Hershey Fonts: Not Chocolate, the Origin of Vector Lettering (hackaday.com)
44 points by zdw on March 30, 2021 | 9 comments
17. Duke Nukem 3D Mirror Universe (twitter.com/foone)
823 points by tosh on March 19, 2021 | 199 comments
18. Emirates’ Tim Clark says Boeing ‘not getting it’ on 737 Max, 787 (theaircurrent.com)
161 points by firebaze on March 10, 2021 | 187 comments

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