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1. Play Star Trek the Text Game (sladesys.com)
12 points by Bluestein 14 days ago | 5 comments
2. RegreSSHion: RCE in OpenSSH's server, on glibc-based Linux systems (qualys.com)
830 points by robinhoodexe 26 days ago | 338 comments
3. Code reviews do find bugs (two-wrongs.com)
221 points by imadj 25 days ago | 160 comments
4. Ask HN: Why do message queue-based architectures seem less popular now?
389 points by alexhutcheson 38 days ago | 364 comments
5. Gerald Sussman: Programming is (should be) fun (2022) [video] (youtube.com)
335 points by nequo 44 days ago | 110 comments
6. Ask HN: What was your most humbling learning moment?
532 points by spcebar 54 days ago | 680 comments
7. Big data is dead (2023) (motherduck.com)
585 points by armanke13 61 days ago | 457 comments
8. Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years (loglog.games)
1484 points by darthdeus 3 months ago | 972 comments
9. Notes on Structured Programming (1970) [pdf] (utexas.edu)
64 points by BerislavLopac 3 months ago | 7 comments
10. Sandboxing all the things with Flatpak and BubbleBox (ralfj.de)
166 points by fanf2 3 months ago | 109 comments
11. Collaborative data processing and documenting using org-babel (emacsconf.org)
51 points by dargscisyhp 3 months ago | 1 comment
12. How to embrace asynchronous communication for remote work (handbook.gitlab.com)
189 points by serial_dev 4 months ago | 93 comments
13. Nobody ever gets credit for fixing problems that never happened (2001) [pdf] (web.mit.edu)
1031 points by Jtsummers 5 months ago | 424 comments
14. Not Without Us – Joseph Weizenbaum (1986) (acm.org)
64 points by drcwpl 5 months ago | 20 comments
15. Signs that it's time to leave a company (adrianco.medium.com)
546 points by bezeee 6 months ago | 339 comments
16. Show HN: Marimo – an open-source reactive notebook for Python (github.com/marimo-team)
448 points by akshayka 6 months ago | 106 comments
17. Show HN: FrameOS – operating system for single function smart frames (frameos.net)
474 points by mariusandra 6 months ago | 112 comments
18. The drive stats of Backblaze storage pods (backblaze.com)
280 points by leiferik 6 months ago | 156 comments
19. Zero downtime Postgres upgrades (knock.app)
389 points by brentjanderson 7 months ago | 115 comments
20. Rust std fs slower than Python? No, it's hardware (xuanwo.io)
687 points by Pop_- 8 months ago | 240 comments
21. Doing a Job (1982) (govleaders.org)
70 points by georgecmu 8 months ago | 16 comments
22. Everything I Thought I Knew About Nasal Congestion Is Wrong (theatlantic.com)
74 points by yarapavan 8 months ago | 21 comments
23. Literate Documentation with Emacs and Org Mode (gitlab.com/spudlyo)
93 points by spudlyo 9 months ago | 10 comments
24. As We May Think (1945) (theatlantic.com)
217 points by tosh 10 months ago | 55 comments
25. Your nines are not my nines (2019) (rachelbythebay.com)
106 points by thewarpaint 10 months ago | 31 comments
26. Writing a debugger from scratch: Breakpoints (timdbg.com)
320 points by ingve 10 months ago | 51 comments
27. ClickHouse Keeper: A ZooKeeper alternative written in C++ (clickhouse.com)
218 points by eatonphil 10 months ago | 126 comments
28. Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs (golang50shad.es)
120 points by spallas 10 months ago | 6 comments
29. How to Sell a War to the American People [video] (youtube.com)
21 points by redbell 10 months ago | 5 comments
30. An Excel error led Austria's SPÖ to announce the wrong candidate as the winner (twitter.com/joncstone)
395 points by vinnyglennon on June 5, 2023 | 190 comments

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