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Oh boy, nice idea, but this looks complicated and time consuming. I recommend to get some good equipment first:

  - solder fume extractor (see below)
  - extra thin high quality tin
  - a desoldering pump AND desoldering wire
  - high quality flux
  - a TS 100 soldering Iron with KU tip from ali express for 50 bucks
  - optional: USB-C Power Adapter for your existing power supply (so you don't have to buy one)
  - optional: a soldering mat (normaly blue colored)
and you have a near professional equipment for about $120. Now flash IronOS[1] on your soldering Iron, and it works even better.


  - turn on solder fume extractor
  - heat iron to 370° Celsius (but be careful depending on your workpiece)
  - Tin both ends beforhand
  - better slightly more flux to put on (but not for small works) 
  - if flux has been applied, cleaning up with e.g. toothbrush & isopropyl alcohol after you're done maybe a good idea
However, the most important peace of hardware is a solder fume extractor... I'm surprised that so many youtube "professionals" don't put a hint on this - never play with your health. This can even be done DIY (see youtube tutorials).

High quality flux is also important because of your health. Chinese sellers often don't care about ingredients...

High quality tin is much easier to work with and costs 5 bucks more than low quality tin. It is worth.

[1]: https://github.com/Ralim/IronOS

Some other WebRTC file transfer options:

* https://wormhole.app/ (my recent fave, by creator of WebTorrent, holds for 24h, https://instant.io by same)

* https://file.pizza/ (p2p, nothing stored)

* https://webwormhole.io/ (same, but has a cli)

* https://www.sharedrop.io/ (same, does qr codes)

* https://justbeamit.com/ (same, expires in 10 minutes)

* https://send.vis.ee (hosted version of this code)

* https://send.tresorit.com/ (not p2p, 5 GB limit, encrypted)

I track these tools here: https://href.cool/Web/Participate/

>The difference between a $50 and $200 pair of headphones is staggering.

You fall exactly for the trap the parent is talking about. "$50 earphones" and "$200 earphones" is meaningless. There are many reasons why earphones can be more or less expensive, many of which have nothing to do with audio quality. Things like wireless support, quality of the materials used and whatever brand is embossed on it. My $50 "studio" AKG 240 are probably as good as many $200 earphones, but they're all plastic and not wireless.

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