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A whole bunch of people don't have a job in the morning.

I dont normally agree with these kind of things but honestly this time they deserve it. If this event ( and iWatch ) is really that important ( for Apple ) then this is the biggest screw up ever. Thousands ( possibly millions ) of People waiting and hoping to share the moment together and watching it live and be disappointed.

This is the worst user experience ever.

And you really think people should lose their jobs over this? What's wrong with you?

You really don't? And you're trying to take some form of moral high ground over it?

The stream was a disaster and tarnishes the entire announcement, whose image is priceless to Apple. The jobs of the people responsible are in no way worth more to Apple than the damage done by said people.

I've tried the page from my iPad and my TV set which interestingly also has the user agent as Safari. The page makes both crash.

I've always believed that Google making their pages crash iPad's Safari can have benefits, but obviously the web developers who produced the Live page used only Safari on their big computers and never tested them enough on the iPads. That alone is really unacceptable execution.

The reasons the servers got under bigger pressure was obviously the wrong decision to have the video content page and the live picture and text updating resource and script hungry page as one and the same. The browsers of the viewers crashed, they attempted to view again, producing much more load to the servers than it would be if these unfortunate decisions (everything on the one page) haven't been made.

Independently, the stream was obviously botched at the source. It seems all parts of the world got the same Chinese translated pieces and the truck signals.

There were more smaller disasters there making one big.

Well, that's sort of how business works, isn't it? I mean, they didn't just pick a few random techs and say "make this happen", they have people whose very job is the technology involved in making this thing happen. If someone demonstrates they fundamentally can't do their job, do you keep them on the payroll or do you find someone else who can get the job done?

I am sure they are the best for such jobs in the future - they won't screw up next time :)

i'm not sure why you're being downvoted. I sense a lot of trigger happy fanboys in this thread.

your point is totally valid. the odds these guys screw up again like this seem slim. especially if they were to lose their job over it.

Anyone who screwed up like this in the world of broadcast television would certainly be fired. I am actually etremely impressed by the new products (in a way I didn't expect to be), but this webcast failure tarnishes the launch and will directly impact their bottom line in the short term.

You have got to be kidding. The viewers of the livestream are already Apple fanboys who are going to buy all this crap anyways.

Everyone else is just going to see it on Engadget, Gizmodo, Fox News, or wherever.

This will not impact their bottom line one bit.

It gives the press an unflattering story to run with besides "OMG new shiny", diluating Apple's carefully prepared marketing push. That's why it has impact beyond just Apple fans.

so you've never worked on or anywhere near a live production. am I right?


From the prep of this whole thing, with redirecting apple.com to apple.com/live, I felt it was intended to replicate Steve Jobs's reality distortion field. "If we are going this far out, it must be huge!"

Ironically it's showing very clearly that the field has discorporated.

Not everything is about Steve Jobs. There were plenty of tech glitches in his keynotes, including with the live stream (when they rarely did one).

They should've used Google Hangouts on Air :P

Or, we had lunch

Or maybe a whole bunch of people don't live in the same time zone as you.

??? I think the parent's implication is that people will lose their jobs tomorrow morning, because of today's poor production.

Okay, I might have misread. From where I come from, when people watch something, say en Apple show, instead of working we say "some don't have work". That's what I misunderstood. I also assumed (wrongly ? I haven't checked) it was in California which meant it was morning already.

The parents say "don't" not "will not". Even though there are trouble I very much doubt people are fired on the spot, they're too busy fixing it. But sure, some might. Later, in the future.

Anyway, the comment was out of line an the downvotes deserves.

dude, what?

oh come on, 5 downvotes? like I'm the only one who didn't contemplate the complete lack of contextual or critical thought in the parent response

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