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Why would Elon choose to post on Medium and not on the blog of Tesla? It would definitively bring more credence to post it on their official website. Until reading near the end I wasn't sure it was a Tesla employee/official or a third party story (and I use the term story here and not article on purpose because usually on Medium it is more stories than facts).

Kimbal Musk is CEO of Medium and his brother. I guess that is enough to explain why :)

You're thinking of Me.dium, which turned into OneRiot and was then acquired by WalmartLabs. No relationship with Ev Williams's Medium. Also, Kimbal is on Tesla's board, so it's not just a family relationship.

I don't think you are correct. The only connection I can find between Kimbal and Medium is Me.dium.com, referenced on this page:


Maybe Medium's new business plan is to compete with PR Newswire.

Seriously. Its a nice little niche.

Looks like a mod changed the link, which is kind of a bummer.

Until reading near the end I wasn't sure it was a Tesla employee/official or a third party story

But, it says "By Elon Musk" in a large font slap bang in the middle of the screen just under the title of the piece when you open the page. I really think this might be down to your powers of observation rather than any oversight on their part.

Medium is famous for internet drama, and more recently parody articles about Medium and internet drama.

If I read something 'by Elon Musk' on Medium I normally:

- Assume it's not Elon Musk, but rather someone who hates Elon Musk

- Start reading it in an Elon-Musk-Bond-Villain persona

I haven't seen any fake Elon Musk articles on there. Can you show me some of them?

I didn't say any existed. Re-read the comment.

Huh? Are you completely and utterly mental?

You were stating what you normally do when you read something saying that it is by Elon Musk on Medium.

To claim that you have a normal behaviour for a given situation would usually presuppose that it is a situation you have previously encountered, more than once.

The repeated situation is part of "Medium is famous for internet drama, and more recently parody articles about Medium and internet drama."

nailer filled in the template to illustrate the response to the template, not to assert that they had encountered this specific variant before.

The use of 'normally' implies having been in the exact situation, but it's possible to have a default response to a situation without having been in it. In context it is very easy to figure out nailer's meaning. It is ridiculous of you to fall back to 'completely and utterly mental'.

Well this has been the most hilarious sub-thread I've read on HN recently. Thanks nailer and lotsofmangoes.

It is all part of the service. And when I find out which service, I might even return it.

Is that a yes?

I was wondering the same thing, perhaps they're just giving it a go to see if it's a better platform for getting people to read their blog?

Add that to Julie Zhuo (Designer @ Facebook) doing the same thing just a few hours ago and it makes for a very curious confluence, in both cases diminishing the immediate credibility of the articles.

Julie has been posting on Medium for a while though- this is I believe Elons first post on Medium.

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