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Sir, did you read the article? The author makes no mention of even anecdotal evidence of problems beyond his single Nexus 7. You don't write an article about a single defect instance. A post in a forum maybe, and after there is evidence of the problem being widespread you write an article. Perhaps I should write an article about the rotten apple I bought yesterday and title it "Whole Foods Apples Rotten".

The evidence that appears herein is after the fact, and even so is hearsay and subject to selection bias.

It's funny how well your comment applies to the article author, yet you attack me.

I get the feeling that you only read the article and didn't watch the video because in about the third sentence he says "There have, however, been some sporadic reports of problems with the touch screen, and it turns out, the unit that I have received does seem to be affected. So, I thought I would show you what some of these problems look like."

He is obviously seeing other reports of problems and is presenting his own as a representative instance.

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