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> a lightly modified version of Daniel J. Bernstein’s ChaCha stream cipher. ChaCha is widely used in a 20-round form called ChaCha20, including in TLS and SSH. Jean-Philippe Aumasson’s paper “Too Much Crypto” argues persuasively that the 8-round form ChaCha8 is secure too (and it’s roughly 2.5X faster)

Call me paranoid but my mind immediately jumps to the question of whether this paper can be trusted or if it has been planted by a TLA to intentionally weaken crypto.

I don't know Jean-Philippe, or much about them, but they seem to be both an experienced cryptographer and someone who has founded a company that is close to many government-adjacent organisations (UNHCR, banks, payment services, defence contractors—and that's just from the home page [0]) and therefore could easily have been exposed to persuasive state actors.

Does anyone know more about the security of the 8-round form and whether we should be concerned?

[0] https://www.taurushq.com/

The cited paper[0] only increases my concern:

> “But what if your adversary is NSA or Mossad? Won’t they have the computing capabilities to run a 280 attack?” Such a question is irrelevant. If your problem is to protect against such adversaries, the answer is probably not cryptography.

Handwaving away better cryptographic security on the basis that they'll probably get what they want some other way does not work for me. This is likely and often true, but those other methods may be more expensive, be unusable without revealing their hand, or be politically or diplomatically sensitive.

We should not give up on our security being as resistant as possible to these agencies on such a basis.

[0] https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1492.pdf

This is a fair concern.

> Does anyone know more about the security of the 8-round form and whether we should be concerned?

This is the latest cryptanalysis I could find (see Table 2 and 3 for an overview):


We don't even have an attack against ChaCha8. While it is likely one will appear as cryptanalysis improves, it is far less likely such an attack will ever become practical.

But obviously, not everyone from within the cryptographic community would agree with JP Aumasson either. For example, DJB had this to say 1 year and 5 months before "Too Much Crypto" first appeared on the IACR ePrint archive: https://twitter.com/hashbreaker/status/1023969586696388613.

So in conclusion; somewhat inconclusive? Going by the results so far, ChaCha8 is probably fine.

> Call me paranoid

You're being too paranoid. If you have a substantive disagreement with the content of the "Too Much Crypto" paper then we can talk about it, but to posit that Aumasson was compromised by a TLA(with no evidence) and that this paper is the result is pure conspiracy thinking.

Aumasson designed BLAKE[0], as well SipHash[1] and SPHINCS+[2](both of which he designed with DJB, btw).

[0]: https://www.blake2.net/#co [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SipHash [2]: https://sphincs.org/

> but to posit that Aumasson was compromised by a TLA(with no evidence) and that this paper is the result is pure conspiracy thinking.

Except we have some evidence that the NSA has compromised processes in exactly this way before. The OP was just asking a question and suggesting a likely and known mechanism for perfidy, he didn't actually posit that it was true.

Correct. I have no reason to believe Aumasson was compromised, but it’s certainly happened before that people in similar positions have been.

Regardless of whether there’s a third party with an ulterior motive or it’s (more likely) simply the author’s genuine opinion, the paper “Too Much Crypto” seems ok with limiting the security of cryptography to levels that may not be secure against the most advanced and well-resourced adversaries:

> “But what if your adversary is NSA or Mossad? Won’t they have the computing capabilities to run a 280 attack?” Such a question is irrelevant. If your problem is to protect against such adversaries, the answer is probably not cryptography.”

You may agree with that, too. But it’s quite an opinionated stance and one that I’d expect to see clearly signposted and explained in API docs, and for the more expensive and secure alternative to also be available.

There comes a point when "just asking questions" crosses a line into conspiratorial theory crafting. I can ask all kinds of crazy questions, like: "what if the world is run by a species of lizard people who live underground?". In the absence of evidence, it's pointless to debate such things. In general, people should be allergic to thinking in this way. That's not to say that conspiracies never happen, they do. However, it's on you to substantiate your insane claims, it isn't on your interlocutors to prove that they aren't true.

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