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Correct. I have no reason to believe Aumasson was compromised, but it’s certainly happened before that people in similar positions have been.

Regardless of whether there’s a third party with an ulterior motive or it’s (more likely) simply the author’s genuine opinion, the paper “Too Much Crypto” seems ok with limiting the security of cryptography to levels that may not be secure against the most advanced and well-resourced adversaries:

> “But what if your adversary is NSA or Mossad? Won’t they have the computing capabilities to run a 280 attack?” Such a question is irrelevant. If your problem is to protect against such adversaries, the answer is probably not cryptography.”

You may agree with that, too. But it’s quite an opinionated stance and one that I’d expect to see clearly signposted and explained in API docs, and for the more expensive and secure alternative to also be available.

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