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more like because it’s safe and there are penalties for injuring pedestrians and cyclists, and because the infrastructure is great.

not riding a bike because a helmet is ??uncomfortable?? is ridiculous and probably self-selecting

Is it that ridiculous? Big tech tracking shows that basically any inconvenience at all causes people to drop off. The page taking half a second longer to load and now you’ve lost a few sales.

There isn’t going to be anyone consciously thinking “I’m not gonna ride because I have to wear a helmet” but instead “eh I can’t be bothered riding” without digging too much in to why.

Bicycle helmets are big. You can't just put them away in your bag when you're done with them. So you will have to carry the helmet alongside your bags etc.

Lock it up with the bike.

In Denmark, I don't even lock up my helmet. My bike, sure. But the helmet just casually hangs on the handlebars. I've never experienced, nor heard of, anyone losing their helmet when doing this.


Helmets aren’t uncomfortable if you try them before buying them. There are different shapes, materials, sizes and settings.

About finding my helmet, I always attach it together with the bike with the U lock. Unless I’m parked in a secure place where I let it hang on the handlebars.

I’m not especially advocating for mandatory helmets and I’m the first to say absence of helmet shouldn’t prevent you to ride, but if you are a regular cyclist, having one at hand is not a ridiculous idea.

> Helmets aren’t uncomfortable if you try them before buying them. There are different shapes, materials, sizes and settings.

Come on man, I have never rode a bicycle more expensive than $100 despite riding at least 5000km annually. I bet that your helmet costs more than all of my 3 bicycles.

If you have a $100 bike then a helmet that is more expensive than your bike its totally reasonable.

> Me and my bicyclist friends have never injured a head while falling down from bike

Back when I did bike, I'd fall off and hit my (helmeted) head once a year or so.

I was always thankful for having a helmet.

Granted it was typically doing something stupid (jumping a curb or such), but still, I was thankful for having a helmet!

Can you describe the most common scenario of how your helmet got broken?

Once a helmet takes a serious hit, it is considered used up and it needs to be replaced. The interior protective core has been compromised.


Your username isn't?

I once jumped a curb and scraped off half the skin on my palms.

> the skin on my palms.

The down-voted comment of mine tells that gloves are far more useful than helmet for a bicycle rider. But I know I have messed with the holy cow so c'est la vie.

I'm a pretty proficient cyclist (lifetime mileage in the tens of thousands) but there have still been a handful of incidents where I've been very grateful to have had a helmet.

It might be the case that helmets are a net negative for casual riders. But whenever I've done a spontaneous unplanned dismount at 20mph I didn't find that knowing how to fall helped me much.

> But whenever I've done a spontaneous unplanned dismount at 20mph I didn't find that knowing how to fall helped me much.

What was the circumstances (type of road and type of bike)? Have you touched the ground with any other parts of body except of palms, elbows and knees? If yes then consider to keep learning how to fall because your falling skill is not that proficient. If not then the helmet was not that useful.

I've done judo for years, but I don't think knowing how to fall helps much when you get hit by a car.

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