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To be in that same boat as your story makes me wonder if it's a systemic bug. But also, holy hell, how is routing a truck to a street address not a solved problem in 2024?

I would also have accepted if they'd leave the EXIF data in their "delivery proof" images, so I can do my own GPS navigation, because the picture of some piece of grass with my box sitting on it, shockingly, is not a good way to track down lost parcels

If I could snap my fingers and end FedEx as a company I would do it without any hesitation. Hell, in a more constructive vein: if I could pay to ensure that no one ever used FedEx to ship something to me, I'd do that, too (even as I write that I'm cognizant that's perverse incentives for FedEx improving, but it would be a more likely fix than just praying for FedEx to go out of business anytime soon; it'd be like shipping insurance but in the other direction)

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