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Apart from three things, I don't use any of these technologies. The three things and why they're relevant to me are wired internet (because most DSL+Wifi boxes suck), desktop computers (laptops don't pack the power I need, esp. gaming but also compiling) and hard drives (this is going to change when SSD's get big enough).

The reasons why these things are relevant to me don't apply to the vast majority of customers out there.

Although I still like desktop PC's since they're upgradable or at least some parts are recyclable. An old laptop is worthless piece of junk, parts of a desktop can be reused. A little overclocking and some memory just resurrected my old desktop for $100 and it's good for 1-2 more years. On the other hand, my g/f's macbook (newer than my desktop) is as good as junk now. It won't fluently run new OSX (and websites are too heavy) and the crappy GPU makes it useless with Linux (bad drivers -> crappy video playback).

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