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15 Technologies My Newborn Son Won't Use (gizmodo.com)
3 points by nboshart on April 13, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I disagree with movie theatres, mice, and phone numbers. Phone numbers are convenient as a primary key for people and are already ingrained in our consciousness, why would we get rid of them? Movie theatres are more about the common experience, and I think will continue to be so. The author misses the point, you don't go to watch a movie, you go to the movies. It's so ingrained in our culture and has grown to be such a bigger thing than just passive watching. When it comes down to it, people like lining up and hanging out with people for something exciting and new. Look at Apple releases and video game releases, people still line up and dress up to go do things collectively. And mice are just more accurate than touch and less cumbersome for navigation.

I actually logged on to make the point that the author is behind on the phone number front. In the context of his example, (asking a girl on the bus for her phone number), phone numbers were dead when I was in high school. (10 years ago) Back then, for me, it was AOL screen names. That's what you asked for. that's how you communicated. today, I think it's morphed back to phone numbers, so you can TEXT. And kids LOOOOVE their texting.

but I guess the author does have a point, that we dont need to remember numbers anymore. I dial by user-name (or, simply, name), if you will...

Apart from three things, I don't use any of these technologies. The three things and why they're relevant to me are wired internet (because most DSL+Wifi boxes suck), desktop computers (laptops don't pack the power I need, esp. gaming but also compiling) and hard drives (this is going to change when SSD's get big enough).

The reasons why these things are relevant to me don't apply to the vast majority of customers out there.

Although I still like desktop PC's since they're upgradable or at least some parts are recyclable. An old laptop is worthless piece of junk, parts of a desktop can be reused. A little overclocking and some memory just resurrected my old desktop for $100 and it's good for 1-2 more years. On the other hand, my g/f's macbook (newer than my desktop) is as good as junk now. It won't fluently run new OSX (and websites are too heavy) and the crappy GPU makes it useless with Linux (bad drivers -> crappy video playback).

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