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Slavery exist everywhere, we just call it 'life' or '9-5'

That is not slavery. Slavery is the absolute absence of choice and opportunity.

So-called "wage slavery" is the very poster child of "first world problems".

Oh golly gosh it sucks so much to be tied to a job you hate, doesn't it? But in the vast majority of cases that lack of perceived freedom is not an actual lack of freedom but due to choices made. Often it's due to failure to budget and save properly, failure to acquire better job skills, etc.

Get some roommates, live in the cheapest part of town, stop paying money for cable, the internet, phones, movies, restaurants, etc. You'll start saving money pretty damned quick. Then use that savings to put yourself through a trade school, or just find a different line of work where you can learn on the job and move up.

The world isn't going to hand you an out if you just sit on your ass and do the same thing over and over, you've got to make your own exit.

So according to your post, having more money = freedom ? Does it not look like what a slave to money would say to deny slavery ? Or as stated in the article: Various religions in many countries have been used to justify the continuation of slavery. "They make people believe that going to paradise depends on their submission,"

That's said, what you stated is false,it's a known fact that the abolition of old style slavery was to replace it with a new from of slavery, namely minimum wage slavery, according to a then emerging economic context. Something along these lines: freed slaves have to find money to buy food and shelter and are offered minimum wage for jobs doing what they used to do when they were slave.

You missed the point entirely. Slavery is about an absence of freedom. So-called "wage slavery" posits that an equivalent lack of freedom exists with people who are "bound" to their job.

But that is bullshit. Wage slavery is bunk. People aren't tied to jobs they hate because they have no choices, they are tied precisely because of the choices they've made.

Choices to buy smartphones, xboxes, big screen tvs, cable and internet service, cars. Choices to eat pre-made food, take-out, or restaurant food instead of cheaper fare like beans and rice. Choices to live alone in expensive housing instead of living with roommates in a cheap neighborhood. Choices to avoid keeping to a budget, avoid saving, avoid putting in the elbow-grease to acquire more skills.

That's about money but it's also about choice. When you have savings, when you live well within your means, when you build up your skillset then the whole goddamn world opens up for you. You have your choice of numerous jobs and even different careers. And especially you find that you are able to support yourself with part-time work. Is that slavery? No, that's freedom. And it's within the grasp of virtually anyone who works a job for a "wage". No it isn't easy, it takes sacrifices. But don't imagine that your slave master is your boss, your slave master is yourself, only you have put yourself in a box financially, mentally, and job skills wise that you feel you are trapped in.

If you are employed by an establishment that;

1) Does not pay you a wage for your work 2) Beats you for whatever they want to 3) Murders and often rape your children 4) Trades you for livestock 5) Offers you as gifts to their friends 6) Forces you to live under the mercy of the elements 7) Denies you the right to education 8) Brainwashes you into thinking all of the above are 'normal' and fair

...then I suggest you quit and consult a lawyer in your jursiction. Otherwise, what you describe has nothing to do with SLAVERY.

lol loved the last line, keep it up brother!

Equating that with real slavery is incredibly insulting and insensitive. You are making a mockery of their suffering.

This comment reflects poorly on you as a person.

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