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You missed the point entirely. Slavery is about an absence of freedom. So-called "wage slavery" posits that an equivalent lack of freedom exists with people who are "bound" to their job.

But that is bullshit. Wage slavery is bunk. People aren't tied to jobs they hate because they have no choices, they are tied precisely because of the choices they've made.

Choices to buy smartphones, xboxes, big screen tvs, cable and internet service, cars. Choices to eat pre-made food, take-out, or restaurant food instead of cheaper fare like beans and rice. Choices to live alone in expensive housing instead of living with roommates in a cheap neighborhood. Choices to avoid keeping to a budget, avoid saving, avoid putting in the elbow-grease to acquire more skills.

That's about money but it's also about choice. When you have savings, when you live well within your means, when you build up your skillset then the whole goddamn world opens up for you. You have your choice of numerous jobs and even different careers. And especially you find that you are able to support yourself with part-time work. Is that slavery? No, that's freedom. And it's within the grasp of virtually anyone who works a job for a "wage". No it isn't easy, it takes sacrifices. But don't imagine that your slave master is your boss, your slave master is yourself, only you have put yourself in a box financially, mentally, and job skills wise that you feel you are trapped in.

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