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That's probably still a net profit for Alex Jones. According to the documents discussed in court he makes $800,000 a day from his show.

If anything, he probably made more covering his own trial than what the trial cost.

> his companies were earning about $800,000 a day selling diet supplements, gun paraphernalia and survivalist equipment.

It's almost as if Jones' show is a binary classification filter for chumps https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/why-do-...

That per day figure is misleading since it was a particularly good couple of days. But yeah he still made tons of money over the years at the families’ expense.

Correct, the Plaintiff's lawyer pointed to the $800k day and said, "on average you make this" and I firmly believe Jones was confused, and tried to correct it, but the goal of the lawyer was to inflate the income numbers to maximize damages.

That being said, I don't understand how they couldn't have gotten all general accounting records as part of discovery, and if they didn't why they couldn't force a forensic audit by court order.

Over years? Nah. He covered it, fracked up, took it back and moved on. Its the trial tha keeps it in the spotlight.

As revealed in the trial(s), that's not true. He continuously promoted that false story for many years, even after he first started running into legal trouble as a result.

Jeez! 800k per day. That is obscene, for a charlatan. How much of this is profit I wonder.

4M is chump change for someone making THAT much money. Plus, who knows how much money his nut job supporters are donating to him.

> That is obscene, for a charlatan.

The attention economy seems to be particularly vulnerable to charlatans. Platforms are happy to take their cut as long as those eyeballs are glued and the ad profits are dollars in. They'll furrow brows and play act some carefully chosen words, but these platforms will keep giving clowns a stage, because this circus is the best yet.

> That is obscene, for a charlatan.

The sort of people who make up his audience are, by definition, gullible, so they're a particularly valuable audience for advertisers.

As outlined in the trial, that was 800k/day during a specific week, he claimed that was the highest ever figure.

He had previously claimed that profit was 20% of that, when pushed he said 20-40%, but documents suggest it's more like 70%.

Still, that $800k/day was for a week, it can't be extrapolated over the whole year.

OP said 800,00 so I'm not sure if that was intended to be 800,000. But that obviously doesn't pass the BS test. Alex jones is not pulling in over 100m a year or anywhere close to that.

I have seen the 800k figure quoted elsewhere too. But even 80k per DAY is insane amount of money. Let’s say half of it is profit. 4M/40k = 100 days.

For the amount of damage he has caused, for the amount of pain he has inflicted - 100 days of profit as punishment is nothing.

My hope is that they clean him out of every dollar he has got. But, my guess is he’ll come out of it relatively unscathed. Even a 20M settlement might not be much to him.

There are much bigger problems though - how is he able to get such a large audience? Shouldn’t these social media companies have some responsibility? Why has it taken so long for this case (years and years) to reach the verdict stage? How is he lying freely in court, to the judge, on camera, and not facing any consequences? And so on…

There are still punitive damages to decide, which are going to factor in his worth.

Is this from advertising, or are people buying things directly from him?

That companies would advertise their wares next to such an absolute shame of a man is beyond comprehension.

Aren't his advertisers mostly supplements and other snake oil? It seems perfectly fitting for them to advertise with charlatans who have cultivated an angry audience whose BS filters have been strategically decimated.

Both and it ain't exactly the best wares - it's a step above penis growth ads and similar...

Money isn’t much good if you can’t spend it because you’re behind bars. I look forward to the perjury charges and imprisonment.

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