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I have seen the 800k figure quoted elsewhere too. But even 80k per DAY is insane amount of money. Let’s say half of it is profit. 4M/40k = 100 days.

For the amount of damage he has caused, for the amount of pain he has inflicted - 100 days of profit as punishment is nothing.

My hope is that they clean him out of every dollar he has got. But, my guess is he’ll come out of it relatively unscathed. Even a 20M settlement might not be much to him.

There are much bigger problems though - how is he able to get such a large audience? Shouldn’t these social media companies have some responsibility? Why has it taken so long for this case (years and years) to reach the verdict stage? How is he lying freely in court, to the judge, on camera, and not facing any consequences? And so on…

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