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If you have a feeling something exists but doesn't show up you can try yandex, kagi or even search.marginalia.nu (the last one is a bit hit and miss but also fun/delightful, eye-opening and it seems a lot more resistant to black hat SEO due to their algorithms.)

Please stop recommending yandex or any other service from Russia.

Russia spreads lies propaganda and misinformation by all channels possible including RT yandex and anything under their control. If you unaware what russia does you should educate yourself.

If you try to get any information from russia controlled channels not only you'll be heavily mislead and manipulated you'll also support that aggressive regime that actively attacks any light of democracy and freedom in the world. Russia already have used not only propaganda but also military to attack any attempts to build free society respecting democracy especially in neighboring countries.

For instance in Ukraine yandex is simply completely blocked as result of a war that Russia started against Ukraine and it is done for a reason. Do not be less wise then Ukraine and just do not go there.

While you're not wrong about Russia, similar things can be said about the US and its allies (of which my own country is one).

True, the US typically attacks countries that are farther away, but their devastation of Irak and Afghanistan is much worse than Ukraine or Georgia (another victim of Russian aggression) have suffered in the last 20 years at least. And while Iraq and Afghanistan were by no means democratic regimes, we can see plenty of democratic governments toppled by American power and their allies - In Yemen in 2014 (mostly Saudi led, but with US arms and support), Haiti in 2004, Nicaragua and El Salvador in the late 1970s, Iran in 1953. There are also many other despotic regimes that the US successfully helped against revolutions that may have toppled them (most memorably, in South Vietnam, but also at various times in Iraq and much of South America).

Empires are always evil, and they are always seeking to spread their propaganda. The only way of getting a slightly clearer picture is to use sources from multiple such empires and try to build a more accurate picture than any one of them wants you to.

So yes, please use both Yandex and Google for search, read RT as well as the New York Times, Al Jazeera, AFP, etc.

What a borked view of the world. Yes, the US invades places. Yet the damage in Afghanistan and Iraq, is caused far more by their own people, killing and slaughtering each other over religious grounds.

> Yet the damage in Afghanistan and Iraq, is caused far more by their own people, killing and slaughtering each other over religious grounds.

We, the USA and its allies, have directly killed thousands to tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians, and many more "enemy combatants" (it's important to remember that under the rules of the "War on Terror", any adult male is counted as an enemy combatant by default, unless explicitly proven otherwise). The Russians killed as many or more during the Soviet invasion.

The opposition forces are also responsible for a great many civilian deaths (many more than the US led forces, at least in Iraq, according to official numbers). But this is what happens when you invade a country, especially one already divided along sectarian lines: the people who rise up against you start seeing enemies and collaborators everywhere and killing their own as well.

Were there sectarian killings in Iraq and Afghanistan before the war? Absolutely, but a mere fraction of what happened during the war.

>While you're not wrong about Russia, similar things can be said about the US and its allies (of which my own country is one).

There is nothing comparable between Russia and US and it's allies because Russia is not democratic country and as such values and intentions are completely different.

>So yes, please use both Yandex and Google for search, read RT as well as the New York Times, Al Jazeera, AFP, etc.

I am sorry but you cannot recommend deliberate lies machines as the source of information. I mean you can but the value of RT as source of information is zero if one has brain and knows how RT works.

For the source of information one should check the source and how it is reliable. If it's not then it is not the source of information.

Plese stop pretending that western countries and megacorporations do not also spread lies and propaganda.

The suggestion was to use Yandex as an additional source when American search engines are not providing the expected results, not to rely on it exclusively without questioning the information provided.

>Plese stop pretending that western countries and megacorporations do not also spread lies and propaganda.

No one pretending that some one is perfect but degree of imperfectness for intentional killer of democracy as the main value is very different from the imperfectness of democratic state relaying on functioning democracy to exist.

One of the russian propaganda trends is to present to naive listener that "everybody do lie". Of course to solve that manipulation one should recall about degree and intentions. Russia used military to attack Ukraine and lied about it usage and still does. Russia does it x100 in comparison to democratic world and the intentions are not to have some profits but to kill on a massive scale to destroy democracy with any way possible.

With all respect the level of lies coming from russia is not comparable to democratic countries with all their imperfectness.

>The suggestion was to use Yandex as an additional source when American search engines are not providing the expected results, not to rely on it exclusively without questioning the information provided.

Questioning information is one thing and looking for information in the source of deliberate lies ill-designed to question the truth with intention to destroy the truth and any trust is another. Suggestion to use yandex and RT was wrong.

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