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What a borked view of the world. Yes, the US invades places. Yet the damage in Afghanistan and Iraq, is caused far more by their own people, killing and slaughtering each other over religious grounds.

> Yet the damage in Afghanistan and Iraq, is caused far more by their own people, killing and slaughtering each other over religious grounds.

We, the USA and its allies, have directly killed thousands to tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians, and many more "enemy combatants" (it's important to remember that under the rules of the "War on Terror", any adult male is counted as an enemy combatant by default, unless explicitly proven otherwise). The Russians killed as many or more during the Soviet invasion.

The opposition forces are also responsible for a great many civilian deaths (many more than the US led forces, at least in Iraq, according to official numbers). But this is what happens when you invade a country, especially one already divided along sectarian lines: the people who rise up against you start seeing enemies and collaborators everywhere and killing their own as well.

Were there sectarian killings in Iraq and Afghanistan before the war? Absolutely, but a mere fraction of what happened during the war.

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