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What I liked:

- Fast and lite.

- Sun/night theme.

- Syntax highlight for code.

- Instant preview.

What made me lose my mind ;-)

- When visiting the base site URL, no indication if I am logged in or not. No clear indication how to return to my profile.

- After some time I realized I need to click on Start Writing to access my dashboard. Ok, but I really think that should have a clear indication if I am already logged in.

- In dashboard post listing would be useful to have something indicating which posts are published. And for each post, a button allowing me to quick publish it or "unpublish" (make private again).

- If I am reading a published post and I am already logged in, add a link somewhere to allow quick access to editing mode.

Thank you!

Thank you for your comments.

Posts that are not published have a "draft" badge in the dashboard, to help you distinguish between a published and unpublished post.

Adding a link to the post page for quick access to editing mode is somewhat problematic as the pages are all statically generated without any javascript to make them very lean and fast. So they're basically the same for all users. A login indication is hard for the same reason, because the homepage too is a static page.

A button for quick publishing is something that could indeed be improved, thanks for the suggestion!

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