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Show HN: A Blogging Platform (scribbble.io)
25 points by SubHero24 on Nov 27, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Looks quite good. I see you're using the new dark mode from Tailwind 2.

I'm happy to see basic HTML so that reader view works nicely.

Here's a quick look at a basic article: https://scribbble.io/iruoy/hello-world/

A blogging platform focused on ease of use and simplicity

What I liked:

- Fast and lite.

- Sun/night theme.

- Syntax highlight for code.

- Instant preview.

What made me lose my mind ;-)

- When visiting the base site URL, no indication if I am logged in or not. No clear indication how to return to my profile.

- After some time I realized I need to click on Start Writing to access my dashboard. Ok, but I really think that should have a clear indication if I am already logged in.

- In dashboard post listing would be useful to have something indicating which posts are published. And for each post, a button allowing me to quick publish it or "unpublish" (make private again).

- If I am reading a published post and I am already logged in, add a link somewhere to allow quick access to editing mode.

Thank you!

Thank you for your comments.

Posts that are not published have a "draft" badge in the dashboard, to help you distinguish between a published and unpublished post.

Adding a link to the post page for quick access to editing mode is somewhat problematic as the pages are all statically generated without any javascript to make them very lean and fast. So they're basically the same for all users. A login indication is hard for the same reason, because the homepage too is a static page.

A button for quick publishing is something that could indeed be improved, thanks for the suggestion!

I posted a text with code containing "```" to start e "```" to end the code blocks.

After publishing I tried to edit, but the "```" was replaced by "<!---->".

Can you give the link to your post? Then i can try to figure out if something is not working correctly. Thanks!

I looked into it today. When you submit your article, the markdown will be cleaned up.

When not defining a language after the triple backtick, the backticks are not needed and the codeblock should be defined be preceding your code with 4 spaces or a tab according to the markdown specification.

So everything works as intended.

Hey when I submit a blank field at the “Enter Your Email to Login” screen, it submits - I assume this means you aren’t utilizing proper input validation. Just an fyi

Thanks. Will fix!

I really like this. Might be the thing that finally actually gets me to write/blog.

This is pretty neat. I like the minimalist design.


Totally free :-)

I'd add a "how we make money" explanation somewhere. I'd imagine most people that'd be interested in this would be wary of "free" (i.e. whats the catch).

We do not make any money from this whatsoever. We built it because we wanted to have an easy blogging platform for ourselves. And since there was no substantial extra cost to making it available to others, we opened it up.

But I understand some people are wary of "free". I would be too. I'll do a writeup about this topic and make it available from the homepage. Hopefully this will convince people that there is no hidden cost or catch to using Scribbble.

Another take: It’s less about hidden fees and more about permanence.

If you created this service on a whim, what’s to stop you from taking it down on a whim as well? Accepting payment also serves as an establishment of trust in this regard, I wouldn’t just simplify it to “accepting money is bad”

I don’t mean to negatively criticize your service, I think it’s neat! You just might need to ask yourself some more questions like this to justify hosting people’s data

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