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> artificial sweeteners caused the body to raise its blood sugar because the drink is perceived to be sweet

This is subtly different from the effects claimed by the study, namely that blood sugar can change simply due to the test subject believing that a drink has high sugar content.

Substances other than sugar can affect the sugar balance.

This is why dogs can die from hypoglycemic shock if they consume xylitol. Their body is fooled into thinking its sugar, and the insulin response then evacuates the actual sugar from their bloodstream.

That's pretty interesting. Is it due to the taste, i.e. can it be replicated with any non-caloric or low-calorie sweetener, or is it an effect specific to xylitol (or sugar alcohols in general)?

I think it's a combination of taste and calorie content that can throw things off.


> This is why dogs can die from hypoglycemic shock if they consume xylitol.

Cats are affected in the same way by xylitol.

Yes, which suggests a stress connection. Xylitol in dogs is a unique, (sadly) predictable toxicology, like their reaction to chocolate, and is more like what the human reaction to drinking artificial sweeteners would be, if humans had a similar vulnerability.

My wife always has headaches after trying to consume any sugar-alternatives - be it chocolate, coca cola, or chewing gum...

I get those sometimes. It’s fair to say they are not exactly aids to well-being.

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