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The 99th percentile leaves out the income of the top 1 percent. And, in any event, none of these graphs are really representing the size of each slice of the pie for a group of people, they're just looking at the income at that level.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I don't find the paper very informative, but I find the BI article to be an accurate representation of what the author is trying to say.

> The 99th percentile leaves out the income of the top 1 percent.

Again, you could use table 2a, which specifies the top 1%. You would have to come to the same conclusion, if you do the math.

Of course the top 1% did disproportionately grow their income relative to GDP growth, it's just not enough to redistribute to make everyone else fall in line with GDP growth. Not even close.

> And, in any event, none of these graphs are really representing the size of each slice of the pie for a group of people, they're just looking at the income at that level.

The tables give you all the information you need to infer the slice of the pie. Just add up all the incomes for every percentile and you have the size of the pie, add up the incomes for a percentile group and you have the size of the slice.

For table 2a, the size of the pie is $8,529,000. The bottom 25% earn $375,000, or less than 5% of that. The top 1% on the other hand earn 13% of it. I'm not questioning the existence of income inequality. That's not the point.

The point is that this income inequality is not the reason for why GDP growth is so detached from income growth. Incomes didn't grow in tandem with GDP for almost every income group. For those income groups that did surpass GDP growth, it didn't surpass by the amount necessary to make up for lack of growth for everyone else. Yet, this is the conclusion that the BI insider wants to draw. The paper doesn't draw this conclusion, probably because it is obviously wrong.

> I don't find the paper very informative, but I find the BI article to be an accurate representation of what the author is trying to say.

It's a misrepresentation. Do the math!

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