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That sounds a lot like harboring a grudge, which I personally work to avoid as pointless. Is that a good (maybe harsh) summary of the technique you're suggesting? Maybe you could expound some more?

Oh, I missed something in the explanation: it’s anger at yourself. Like anger or disappointment in yourself for not standing up for yourself in the past.

In that sense, it’s a self-grudge if anything.

But the main idea is that emotions have energy behind them, and you can harness them to motivate yourself.

I'm not sure coming at problems in the workplace with anger is going to get you very far.

I'd suggest focusing on being more confidant and assertive, rather than trying to harbor self-resentment.

Ha ha, I would say that emotion doesn’t define your actions, it only motivates them. The key idea, and what transformed how I think, is that emotions like anger aren’t inherently bad.

Although people usually think of them negatively, as opposed to more positive emotions like love or excitement, negative emotions like fear and anger can be good driving forces.

Both positive and negative emotions are part of the design of Human psychology evolving over a long period and there is deep intelligence in them.

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