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> Not to mention they are more regulatory compliant


Here's a few:


Linda Scott of Silicon Dales in the U.K. uses Stripe and isn’t surprised that the payment processor is in compliance. “We have found Stripe to be proactive and open around legislative changes.”


Stripe hasn't exactly been in the news for lawsuits or controversy, unlike AirBnB.

Not being in the news has nothing to do with being regulatory complaint.

You’ve provided articles that Stripe is compliant, which is fine, but nothing there indicates that Airbnb isn’t compliant.

What regulations specifically is Airbnb breaking that Stripe isn’t?

First link: That's hosts not complying with the law, not Airbnb. There is a big difference between the two.

Second link: Still not in non-compliance with regulation, this is a story about lobbying.

Third link: Still not breaking any current regulations, it's about lawmakers considering regulating the business in the future.

Still looks like Airbnb is compliant with current regulations. Same as Stripe.

I will concede that perhaps I am wrong about AirBnB being less compliant than Stripe. Bravo to them for doing so in an environment that rapidly changes, sometimes designed to hem them in.

However, I will move the goalposts to rephrase my original point- AirBnB appears to operate in an environment that has more regulatory challenges, especially new ones, than Stripe, which operates in banking, which while regulations-heavy, which doesn't seem to be moving at nearly the same clip. And so my original point about AirBnB's problems still holds- the consequences of dealing with more lawsuits and having to spend more on lobbying.

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