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First link: That's hosts not complying with the law, not Airbnb. There is a big difference between the two.

Second link: Still not in non-compliance with regulation, this is a story about lobbying.

Third link: Still not breaking any current regulations, it's about lawmakers considering regulating the business in the future.

Still looks like Airbnb is compliant with current regulations. Same as Stripe.

I will concede that perhaps I am wrong about AirBnB being less compliant than Stripe. Bravo to them for doing so in an environment that rapidly changes, sometimes designed to hem them in.

However, I will move the goalposts to rephrase my original point- AirBnB appears to operate in an environment that has more regulatory challenges, especially new ones, than Stripe, which operates in banking, which while regulations-heavy, which doesn't seem to be moving at nearly the same clip. And so my original point about AirBnB's problems still holds- the consequences of dealing with more lawsuits and having to spend more on lobbying.

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