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I liked this for contrast:

Additionally, when we started the company I didn't have much money, but I saw that the most commonly searched term for SoundCloud producers was "How do I get more Reposts on SoundCloud?" A repost on SoundCloud is like a retweet on Twitter, so artists want as many of them as possible so their music will get heard.

I thought if I named the company Repost and dominated the SEO on that specific search we could get some free inbound traffic. My assumption worked. I believe if you search "SoundCloud repost" in Google we're one of the top hits, and something like 25% of our inbound applicants come organically.

I found this one very interesting too. I wanted to ask the founder how he knew "the most commonly searched term for SoundCloud producers was..." Is this somethig someone just threw out as a bit of anecdotal evidence? A running joke in the community or common knowledge among fellow producers? Or was there a specific analysis of say Google trends he did to come up with this nugget of insight? I think if you can identify a common search terms for a niche group then you can find common problems to solve... But how did he do that or know that?

As part of its marketing products Google used to have a keyword analysis tool that enabled the look up of search statistics for keywords. It also recommend keywords based on a target URL. They’ve changed their tools since I used it last, but I assume something similar still exists.

The approach of discovering a keyword niche and targeting it is harder now that more people know about the technique.

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