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> Would it be totally find if e.g. 9 million people from another culture come in, change the cultural climate in the place, and vote their politicians into power?

I think that might be an exaggeration and not likely what would happen. People would move to where there is demand for what whatever work they are able and wanting to provide and then approaching a stable equalibrium would hopefully occur.

Would cultures change? Yeah but that's what they do.

Edit: eh, fuck this site, instant downvote for disagreement is just as bad as Reddit. Thanks.

Made me think of this qoute:

" I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops." - Stephen Jay Gould

I'm unsure why that would be unexpected. I suppose the word vegan brings forth the idea of a large variety of fruits, grains, and vegetables however vegan itself doesn't mean eating a variety of plants, it means not consuming animal products in any form.

Additionally, since bacteria strains tend to be specific to their environment, i.e. the plant that they're living on (which the plant itself thrives better in particular environments), it makes sense that a diverse diet would lead to a more diverse gut biom.

It isn't unexpected, just interesting that it has more effect than taking (expensive) probiotics. It's information that people can act on without much difficulty.

What about Feynman or Leonardo Devinci?

Besides science and math build and progress slowly. Sometimes there's a new discovery and suddenly there's a whole explosion of progress. Think calculus or the even the computer. Which we're living in right now. But look at quantum mechanics and computing, that's been progressing for the last the century or so but it's progressing through continued and shared effort built upon previous generations work.

This is such political Grand standing. It's utterly meaningless and stuck in 20th century thinking. Once again the GOP prove once again that they don't understand the times we live in today nor that they have a vision for the future.

It's virtually the same damn form as before with just about as much information. They cut the old one in half so they could use both sides of a postcard. It's worse since I've never filed paper taxes. I can't imagine very many people that have or will become adults within the 21st century won't be filing digitally.

Why has it become acceptable to place ads in-between the text of an article (mobile at least)? I counted no less than 4 ads within the article. They almost always bug my browser out when they're loading while I'm reading through the article. Not to mention making the whole end-user experience terrible.

Amusingly, they call them "CompanionColumns" in the html. I'm sure there's a uBlock filter one could create.

That is how newspapers have been for centuries.

No. Newspapers would have article conintued on page # that would break up an article. The ads were not within the article/wall of texts themselves. Those ads also didn't break or hinder the the medium through which the text was displayed.

I'm pretty sure that would lead to a near absolute zero survivability for anyone on board a system like that.

Yea, but a catapult or railgun would be fine for water, certain foods and other durable goods. Then the crew could take a smaller, cheaper rocket up.

That's true. I wonder what the energy use would be in comparison to chemical rockets. And if it would be inherently safer since it wouldn't be moving via a controlled explosion.

Marijuana abused to self medicate is frankly cheaper than paying for mental health medication and therapy. It's also fast acting and has only minor negative side effects as opposed to taking several weeks to take effect and for any negative side effects (these can be rather bothersome or bad) to go away. Not to mention that's if that particular medication works for you. Going through several types, change in doses, etc can go on for a year or more easily.

In my experience however, withdrawal only takes a few days, I don't recall being any more irritable than before except that marijuana makes me less prone to irritations to begin with, and the thing that's the worst is the boredom.

It's what do you do with your time? Work can keep you occupied and busy, but at home the activities you are likely going to do you did with marijuana. Video games and television/movies are harder to 'feel' interested in. Eating high is just really enjoyable. And trying to sleep is difficult especially when you know you could just smoke some pot and drift off instead of being too bored and restless to sleep.

>Marijuana abused to self medicate is frankly cheaper than paying for mental health medication and therapy.

This implies that self medication has an outcome comparable to paying for mental health medication and therapy.

I would assert that it does not.

Mental health medication and therapy cost more?

Without health insurance, yeah, it’s way cheaper.

Children shouldn't be placed into concentration camps. That should be the end of the argument.

I think they (original comment) were referring to the recent activity of separating and detaining children on a large organized scale.

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