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The issue of consent kinda seems to point towards the medical practice.

> Phreesia attributes a source of their confusion to a blank authorization form they received on one occasion where the staff checked me in manually

The focus of this article should be on the wild fact that someone else signed a consent form on their behalf to have their medical data shared...

Dark patterns are certainly an important issue, but should anyone other than the patient themselves even be able to fill out a form like this in the first place?

But allegedly that happened 6 weeks after she was told she had consented

Oh, I missed that. My bad.

This sort of form shouldn’t even exist in the first place, or if it does it should be very easy to skip.

Plato said this too--no great king desires the role, but when assigned it they will do what must be done for the good of the state.

> no great king desires the role

Great kings know it is effective to disguise their desire for the role.

What is the difference between me waiting for a single book at my library to be passed between 5 people, and me just reading it online?

Presumably the library paid for their copy?


Also check out OverDrive / Libby

The library would've paid for the copy regardless of whether or not the person actually borrowed the book - the act of borrowing itself makes no difference.

I was inspired to make this little tool when I realized Airflow was an over-complicated/bloated tool for my goals--to observe jobs that should be run at a specific date.

I went back to cron and spit the output of each backup into a log file, but I kinda like being able to scan this stuff visually for important info such as failed backups.

As this is my first Rust project I would love it if anyone would be willing to check out the code base and give me any feedback in the repo!

I think the hardest part was honestly getting the Docker image working with some semblance of multi platform support. My M2 Air struggles to compile for some archs and I was eventually pushed into setting up a Github workflow for the builds. An improvement for sure, but I couldn't run iterations locally so it was a very slow debug process. Funnily enough I couldn't get arm builds to work so just went straight to amd64 and called it a day as my server is running x86.

It also takes like 9 minutes to build which seems a bit long to me... would love any tips on bringing this down.

That simple use case is literally the first piece of code on the home page of the ffmpeg website haha you don't really have to ignore anything

That must be what happened, then :)

Of course, you still have this morbid curiosity: "Is that it? What am I not seeing?"

Then you shudder and close the page.

I am digitizing Hesse's collection of essays titled My Belief.

I loved this essay and thought I would share it with you all. I will post the final product (corrected and organized EPUB) later on, but for now I am busy reading and proofreading the OCR output.

Enjoy :)

Should "old Shatterhands" have a capital O? (and maybe no s?)


I believe LibGen uses IPFS as it's backend

It doesn't, thats just a mirror and even then everyone just uses the cloudflare or ipfs.io gateway instead of actually using IPFS.

Dont get me wrong I like IPFS and would love to see increased usage but if a libgen mirror is the biggest example then we need to find more applications for it.

What do you mean by ipfs.io gateway instead of ipfs? I'm not super familiar with this stuff.

Let’s make a libgen for music. And run it all on IPFS.

You will start running into exactly the same problem as with normal hosting. You need someone to “pin” the music for you, or you pin it yourself but with public IP and will get sued.

Unlike with torrents, most people will be using the “gateways” - most people are not “seeding” - partly because IPFS itself is resource hungry and hard to use, unlike Torrent which is easy to use.

In reality IPFS world is very centralized, you just have this resource hungry pretend-decentralisation on top.

I don’t know why is it like that when BitTorrent is much older and much more actually decentralised.

Avoiding the legal problems seems doable, Sci-Hub and LibGen are managing. But the gateways thing sounds... unfortunate.

The way BitTorrent fixed this was the ratio - if you weren't seeding enough, you'd eventually get kicked out from the tracker. Does IPFS have a similar mechanism, or something else but with the same purpose?

No I believe someone has ported the library to IPFS but it’s not reliant on it in any way.

This is the worst part about libgen as well... no way to navigate or sift through the horribly formatted epubs out there :( tons don't even have a TOC it makes me so sad

Sounds pretty far from hopeless to me

Closely read the second half again.

I actually stopped using Obsidian a few months ago. I feel like these knowledge collection/note taking applications over complicate everything. I wasn't happy with the search feature in Obsidian specifically and the fact that it forces you to add their own application specific characters/flavor to your markdown. [0]

I thought about it and my minimum requirements for a knowledge graph tool are:

1. Edit files in vanilla Markdown (no application specific cruft)

2. Be able to search content easily (ideally via grep)

3. Add 1:1 or 1:many links between files (direct links vs. tags, ideally using requirement 2 to implement this)

And the simplest solution for me was:

1. A single level directory of md files (no folders!)

2. Vim + Telescope [1]

3. A small set of guidelines [2] to define searchable patterns for linking files/nodes

I also wrote a little md renderer (seen in link 2) that adds the features I wanted for exploring my notes/second brain in a browser that picks up on the patterns in the guidelines. Gotta get a grep search on that thing and it'll be golden, but I apologize I'm rambling at this point.

Never been happier. I just use Working Copy to jot notes on mobile when I'm not at my computer.

[0] https://help.obsidian.md/How+to/Internal+link

[1] https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim

[2] https://notes.zacholland.net/file/index.md

Have a look at the German software 'The Archive' https://zettelkasten.de/the-archive , this might be what you are looking for. It is not overloaded with fancy features and is text/markdown based. Enables you to focus on your actual notes and ideas and how to connect and inter-act with them, instead of getting lost in fancy diagrams.

Their user forum is in English and is THE best ressource regarding all things Zettelkasten. https://forum.zettelkasten.de Niklas Luhmann, the inventor of the Zettelkasten system, was German, after all :)

I tried out The Archive, definitely a good option! My guidelines are very similar to theirs but to be honest I think I value the speed and power of my Vim setup too much to use any other text editor... so maybe the setup I described above is only relevant to people who want to also edit notes in their preferred editor lol

Although, I do think I have a small gripe with the Zettelkestan method. I don't see the point in having a large collection of small notes with unique identifiers. If I have a random thought, I will write it in a physical notebook accepting it's mortality. If I want to immortalize it, I flesh out the thought and transfer it either to it's own file, or add the small bit of info to a relevant file.

Even if I did want to jot down every small thought or idea of mine in my notes directory, the manageability difference between a single long file (for say all my small thoughts) vs. a ton of small files seems marginal to me. I do personally prefer the former though.

When your main method for searching relies on powerful content scanning (grep) and connections (tags/direct links) it doesn't really matter where the content lives. If the search is powerful and the connections are strong, everything is easily discoverable.

Vanilla markdown I've realized isn't what I want. What I want is Markdown's editing simplicity, but I do want WYSIWYG for inserting pictures (drag / drop, copy+paste), resizing them, and I do want inline-rendering of more complicated things like graphviz and plantuml.

Wow, no directories. That kind of blows my mind. I just really appreciate some kind of high-level "directory" (for lack of a better word) rather than trying to remember some random tag to help me find something.

Reminds me (sorry, I'm a dinosaur) of the WAIS [0] days -- I had a friend who showed me some cool sites accessible through WAIS. When I asked them if there was some kind of directory to find stuff, he looked slightly annoyed and said, "You could build one, I guess." The WwW came along shortly thereafter, with lots of directories of sites, and yeah, most folks have never even heard of WAIS :-)

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_area_information_server

It works! But only when paired with fuzzy search for file names and grep searching file contents. I do sometimes like to just roam around my files for fun though and do remember specific file names, so naming is still important for me!

Also the tags are very deliberate.

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