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Ducks offers a method of handling redux module packaging, installing, and running with your Redux store, with middleware support.

Java has jars and beans. Ruby has gems. I suggest we call these reducer bundles "ducks", as in the last syllable of "redux". — Erik Rasmussen, 2015

Now you can use a new environment variable to control your DPI when starting DoChat. See: https://github.com/huan/docker-wechat#dochat_dpi

I hope this can work with your HiDPI screen! :)

Works like a charm, thank you! Sorry I didn't have a moment to file a feature request.

You are welcome.

Currently the project has to use the `--ipc=host` for running the docker.

Can we get rid of the `--ipc=host` by adding a `/dev/shm` mounting?

I'd like to add the DPI setting to the project. Cloud you please to file an issue for recording this feature request?

FaceNet is a deep convolutional network designed by Google, trained to solve face verification, recognition, and clustering problem with efficiently at scale.

1. directly learns a mapping from face images to a compact Euclidean space where distances directly correspond to a measure of face similarity.

2. optimize the embedding face recognition performance using only 128-bytes per face.

3. achieves the accuracy of 99.63% on Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset, and 95.12% on YouTube Faces DB.

Build the world's smallest wechat bot by 6 lines of JavaScript.

Powered by Node.js & Docker.


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