I’ve always had a soft spot for the older Mac OS design, and I really love this implementation! I spent sooooo much time in windows and Linux doing various things to try and get that feel back
My current solution is pdfplumber → GPT-3 API. I played around with a few different options, and this is personally what’s worked best for my use cases.
I've been following his woodworking channel for 10 years — and I have no interest in woodworking myself. I've never come across someone who is 1) 99th percentile at the craft, 2) probably better at videography than the craft itself, and 3) will literally walk you through his line of thinking while including all the dumb mistakes he thought along the way.
Hikaru has a similar way of explaining high-level chess and coming off as human, but the quality of Frank's stuff is nearly unparalleled, in my opinion. It's like watching an absolute master of his craft have a beer with you and explain his 4D chess moves in an Explain Like I'm 5 years old format.
Thanks for the recommendations - here's a few of mine that are related:
For woodworking I am a big fan of Paul Sellers - though he is primarily a hand woodworker. His videos are very accessible.
For chess I like John Bartholemew. He's an IM, so lower in the rankings than someone like Hikaru, but has a lot of videos geared towards people looking to improve their overall game.
I like Hikaru, though I find GothamChess easier to watch, and more to my level. Also helps he is absolutely excellent in maintaining viewer attention. He is an excellent story teller.
Interesting read! Crazy that it was basically 3x increase/decrease in productive hours. Wouldn't try this myself, but found it interesting nonetheless @sberens.
I was similarly going to recommend HTMX — think the ease-of-use and beginner-friendliness is exactly what OP is looking for. (The Rails comment mentioning Turbo is basically the same thing as HTMX, so feels like a few of us are in agreement.)