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At my local hackerspace we got a donation of a _huge_ 3D printer (~1m³ IIRC), after a while we realized that the number "3" printed on it is actually the serial number

I just told my ISP, either I use my own router, or I switch to a different ISP.

I tried some BIOS flashing with an Arduino Uno I had, a level shifter to 3.3V, and a SOIC clip from AliExpress. I had tons of issues connecting to the chip, so I moved to an old RPi I had laying around, and it just worked flawlessly, every time. I assume it was the level shifter but I can't be sure

I'm not a web dev so I might be missing something. Theoretically you could just open .html files directly in the browser without any networking being involved, no?

In the past, yes, and you still could if you use old enough features, but nowadays browsers heavily restrict sites opened as just .html file. For example you could not use modules at all if they're in separate files.

That is at least until we get Isolated Web Apps and what ever the other proposals related to it alö called.

Is blocking access to local files a new thing? Considering the threat (you download a html file, open it in your browser and it tries accessing random files and exfiltrates them using JS), I would be surprised if this has worked in the past 10 years

You should be able to whitelist such files. After all the browser is supposed to be your agent, not your nanny.

Accessibility features aren't about encouraging use, they're about being there for the people who need them. A vision impaired user isn't an advanced user, they just need to be able to see your content

The term advanced can significantly vary between domains, I've seen command line programs that use advanced for flags that might damage the system if used wrong, and I've seen advanced settings containing options for exporting/importing settings or generating debug dumps.

For everyone I know, their personal PCs don't store data that's valuable to criminals who might steal their PC, but do store personally important data like family photos, etc.

They all would much rather have the disk exposed to anyone with physical access and have their data recoverable in the much more likely case where the PC suffers physical damage or some other kind of software/hardware failiure.

Account passwords and session tokens can be reset, photos of loved ones can't can't be retaken

Very good point.

Account passwords and session tokens belong to secure local storage anyway. For personal PCs unencrypted personal data and encrypted secure local storage would make most sense as default configuration IMO.

I tried to help someone who had a Windows update freeze for several _days_, and after force rebooting the PC it bluescreened and went to a BitLocker recovery screen, and he had no recovery keys in any of his accounts, and all data was lost.

I think it's absurd this kind of thing would be enabled by default without very explicit warnings about the possible reprucussions of not backing up your recovery keys

If a user keeps their credentials in a notebook and it got stolen, the TOTP check can be the difference between the attacker getting in, and the user being notified and changing their password

Unfortunately these days it’s even easier with password managers containing all three (user, pass, token)

The difference being the notebook is paper and easily read, while the password manager is... quite a bit harder.

I want to believe users who use a password manager are also technically literate enough to secure it properly

Me too, but my day job means I handle a bit of secops, password managers are rolled out as security tools to users operating in enterprises where things like mandating people don't keep their passwords on a sticky note on their monitor is usually step one...

There are techniques for arbitrary precision math (lookup BigNum), I assume they're used there for some of the things

That would probably be infeasibly slow.

There is a whole field of CS that deals with minimizing error when doing floating point math. They just probably use decent algorithms/encoding.

Until you get to the bit where I'm guessing you need Apples private keys to sign it or whatever

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