I would say that an eye tracking mouse is what OptiKey has, and for Talon it's more of an eye tracking+head pointing+voice clicking mouse. If you have tmj/vocal cords/neck problems you won't be able to use eye tracker as a mouse replacement.
> for Talon it's more of an eye tracking+head pointing+voice clicking mouse
> If you have tmj/vocal cords/neck problems you won't be able to use eye tracker as a mouse replacement.
I disagree with these assertions. There are several options in Talon for eye tracking. Optikey is a nice suite of functionality, but it's Windows-only, while Talon is cross platform. I also have a few users who use the Optikey UI but prefer to use Talon's eye tracking to control it. I've certainly recommended Optikey to users.
The updated direct control mouse mode in Talon 0.3 can be used without any head tracking at all as long as your targets aren't too small.
The zoom mode explicitly uses no head tracking as well.
To click or trigger the zoom mouse, you can make a pop noise, use voice commands, or a physical mouse button, or keyboard, or any keyboard emulating input device (such as a foot pedal), or use one of the dwell options.