Mentoring is making sure the person feels supported and knows you have their back in what they are doing. it’s “it might cause an outage, but I’ll help you fix it if that happens”
“Hi, I see you’re using <SQL Object>, I can give you some background information on it and help you get more productive with it”
For anything you/team create that is used by someone else, you have a responsibility in making sure it can be used effectively. There’s no excuse to drop a cryptic magic solution in the code base when you know no one else will understand it (not that you have done, just example)
At first its hands on help, after you know what people need to get working with it, pop the common things into a doc and point people at it when they ask for help. adjust doc if insufficient.
lastly always ask people you’re mentoring what their preferred way of learning is: some people learn by being shown and explained, some by guided “doing”, some by solitary exploration. Ask them how best you can support them. (some really Juniors won’t even know this, you may have to let them introspect about this first). it’s as simple as “before we get into this, how do you like to learn?”
Exactly. I really like the empirical example.
I find that solutions to work problems come to me at most random circumstances, shower, sleep, etc. Also a 15 minute break can unblock something that I’ stuck on for hours.
I think it’s important to realise that there’s that limit to productivity, so don’t force it if it’s not working. take a break, come back tomorrow, you may find that you’re far more productive even though you’re spending less time “bums on seats”. Somewhat employer dependent
All (grid tied) inverters technically provide that function. An inverter doesn’t just generate 50/60 Hz sine, it supplies power by attempting to slightly “push” the frequency higher, i.e lead, to provide power.
if there’s no more power to provide, it “pushes less”.
AC voltage must stay within spec, and the grid has voltage control in place, but that’s not what determines the direction of power flow. Like, what makes the inverter output power rather than draw it?
In fact that’s how individual sections of the grid set power flow limits, by ensuring they stop leading when they reach their max capacity. fascinating really
Great insight, it actually aligns with the conversation above: Yes, teaching is its own skill regardless of the subject matter, but to teach you really have to understand the subject matter really well, and isn’t at all related to “doing it well” in some cases.
For example, in film, being a great director requires a deep insight about acting, so they can explain what’s needed from a performance to an actor. A director may know what they need despite being unable to perform it themselves.
If putting those 12 hours towards making food and shelter works then it’s not fair. If you need multiples of those 12h to make yourself a shelter, you’ve just invented capital.
In real terms: if every renter received equity in what they pay for rent (- maintenance) then housing would be more fair as both rent prices would come down as well as purchase being more affordable as landlords start selling the stock
Edit: note that I guess i’m replying to both you and the original commenter
I would go one further: give government powers to simply purchase things that work well out of the free market, and run it in a way that is pro-quality-of-life rather than profit. Is fast internet working well? buy and invest profit to increase coverage and speed. A lab makes good drugs? don’t buy its drugs, buy the lab.
The capitalist incentive remain: A gap in the market can yield you wealth for 10-20 years until you’re bought out. and government only buys the highest performing stuff of the bunch.
Challenge is having a system that is resistant to gaming
Isn’t what I said exactly the opposite? In your example, if 4G is slow, and people will pay for development and deployment of 5G, won’t that create a gap in the market for someone to deliver that for which people will pay for extra?
It won’t quite be free either, just paid by the government. It’s possible that technology of collecting taxes might also need to improve
Well where do you think all that tech debt that “we’ll pay off later” goes? new icons is the only thing they can ship quickly.
In their defence who wants to be the first PO to ship nothing for extended period of time. Long term always takes a back seat to short term, IMO in any company pressure must come from the very top
Oh yea, point 1 for sure. I call copilot regex on steroids.
- copy paste a table from a pdf datasheet into a comment (it'll be badly formatted with newlines and whatnot, doesn't matter)
- show it how to do the first line
- autocomplete the rest of the table
- Check every row to make sure it didn't invent fields/types
For this type of workflow the tools are a real time saver. I've yet to see any results for the other workflows. They usually just frustrate me by either starting to suggest nonsense code without full understanding, or its far too easy to bias the results and make them stuck in a pattern of thinking.
edit: but yea, 100% agreeing with you