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You don't block an entire tram line just because there are pickpockets on board some trams The "solutions" implemented here in Italy are not solutions, but abominations imho

Nah you fill it up with poison gas because you don’t negotiate with terrorists.

Or the apartment bombings debacle, where the GRU and FSB launched false flag bombing attacks against it's own citizens. Several of them were arrested by police planting bombs. At one point a Duma representative denounced 'breaking news' of an attack by 'terrorists' in a specific location 3 days before it actually happened.


This is widely regarded as putin's move to consolidate power.

Justifying oppression through manufactured foreign threats. Still works just as well as it ever has.

Not to mention generating exodi from Venezuela and Syria just so that your puppet candidates in the US and the EU can rally against the "invasion" of refugees.

"Ryazan sugar" is worth a search by itself.

Pretty sure this had nothing to do with trains or negotiating with terrorists. A closer comparison would be a recent event during which a military prevented kidnappings by killing the people who could be taken as hostages.

> a military prevented kidnappings by killing the people who could be taken as hostages.

which events are you talking about?

What the fuck

It was pretty fucked up for the government to not coordinate an antidote with hospitals, but other than that, can anybody really be sure that another approach would have resulted in fewer hostage casualties? The terrorists had the whole place rigged with bombs. Considering the circumstance I think the gas was a pretty good idea with a poor followup.

There is a pretty convincing argument made that a less violent foreign policy would have made the terrorist act significantly less likely to happen in the first place.

E.g. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Dagestan_(1999) and the following bombing of Chechnya.

Sure, I buy that. But the guys tasked with responding to that hostage crisis couldn't go back in time and fix Russia's [domestic] policy. They had to deal with the situation they were given.

Yeah, maybe you're right. Excluding the "less violent foreign policy" sibling comment that is also correct, given that the situation had already started, I guess gas isn't a terrible way to handle the situation.

Really terrible about not coordinating with the EMTs, though. They could have saved hundreds of people if they'd just carried Narcan.

This thread is meandering into Russian examples of government malfeasance which is cool but does everyone know about Operation Gladio in Italy itself?


This isn't a good analogy because the people being pickpocketed and the people on the trams are the same people.

A better analogy is blocking the tram line because it interferes with some guy's antiquated business model.

So police should not close entire co-consignment flea market if a stall is found selling drugs there?

Correct. A single stall is a single stall.

the same here XD

Using the cloud = losing your know-how + gaining vendor lock-in

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How touching to read so many appreciative comments A life well spent RIP Lynn, may the earth be light on you

// Function to pop a value onto the stack this.pop = function() { this.stack.push(); };

I think he made some mess with his code X-D

For anyone who is here in Italy and loves the genius of this fabulous writer:


Great Bepi! Other Padua prominents: https://www.unipd.it/en/eminent-alumni

I'm from Italy, and we had similar cases too: https://mantovauno.it/cronaca/non-ce-lha-fatta-il-carabinier...

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