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How long has Neil Young been out of touch? This is the most anti-rock, anti-punk, anti-free-thinker move an old rich dude can make. No matter where one stands on the content of Joe Rogan’s podcast, Neil Young’s ideas and actions are basically irrelevant. Neil Young is beyond overrated even though many might say he’s under appreciated. Last thing, before this black text turns transparent… Why does no one talk about the fact that the discussion about “misinformation” basically assumes everyone is a dolt. Also, if everyone is so helplessly stupid, why don’t we ban infomercials for crap products like magnetic socks that “treat arthritis” or pills that make you “lose weight” as misinformation?

> why don’t we ban infomercials for crap products like magnetic socks that “treat arthritis” or pills that make you “lose weight” as misinformation?

Amen brother, where do I sign up for this

Thanks fallacy bot. I was not trying to discredit Neil Young’s “argument.” I was simply stating my opinion that he sucks and it’s funny that he was once a part of a counter culture and and now he’s “fighting” for the “side” that’s already “winning.” If the fallacy manifested in the latter part of my comment I think you missed the forest for the trees.

Ditto, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch is my favorite book.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch also gets the distinction of being one of the all time best names for a book

This is the correct response. Yeah, sure, tactics could change to “analysis before action” but then you lose responsiveness when you need it most. Maybe there’s a balance, but I don’t think it’s worth it. The real answer is to litigate the fuck out of any dipshit who commits the act of “swatting.” It really is like starting a fire, the potential damage is immense.

And analysis before action killed a ton of kids at Columbine.


No, the shooter killed a ton of kids at Columbine.

Happy to see a multitude of poignant responses to comments here. It should be clear that “gun control” is very similar to the “war on drugs”. I guess a better corollary is the prohibition of cannabis. Folks (law abiding gun owners) helping their loved ones with debilitating diseases and what not are not able to do so, in the spirit of preventing bad outcomes for the general populace. We don’t need to control guns. We need to “control” the urge to commit violence. Politics obscure the target every time.

*edited because I’ve had beers.

You’d have to drive a lot longer than an hour.

For argument’s sake, I just visited craigslist rental section for the city of Olympia, a WA state capital which is about 1 hr drive from Seattle. You can totally find a decent looking 1bedroom for $600-700, and I’m pretty sure that studios and/or a room in a shared house will be considerably less.

Olympia is only an hour drive from Seattle during the middle of the night, or sometimes on weekends. Most of the time, it's at least a 2 hour drive, and can be a 4 hour drive in the right conditions - heavy rain, collisions on I-5, construction reducing lanes, Ft Lewis traffic, and Capitol traffic. That length of trip greatly increases the number of probable delays encountered. It also increases the probability of being involved in one, especially in those "right" conditions.

Olympia's a smaller city, but still a city. Exurbs like Snoqualmie or North Bend are likely to be even more inexpensive (edit: although, less likely to have apartments — your cheap option is the less desirable trailer park). Or Bremerton / Peninsula.

To the north there's Everett and that area.

Lots of options within 1hr of Seattle, if you don't have to commute it regularly.

Did you actually look through those rental listings? A lot of them are super vague, some are probably scams, some list their rates per week not per month. Show me one with full details and maybe I'll believe it. Also, it says something that it's non-trivial to hunt down rental listings in that price range, not everyone has the tools or the ability to scour through listings to find the few legit ones. Also, show me a listing where moving in doesn't cost near $1k for the first month.

Why does someone have to have a full apartment by themselves?

There are many options for rooms that are <$500 a month within half an hour of Seattle:


I already replied to this, clearly you haven't actually looked at these listings.

Two hours then, or three. What difference does it make?

The goal here is to find something that’s better than staying in your SUV in a Walmart parking lot.

A two to three hour drive every day is subjectively worse than sleeping in an SUV. Not to mention the health effects of hours of driving, pollution - and about $18-27 a day in fuel[0] that could be saved or used for food.

[0] 60mph/20mpg (generous for SUV) = 3 gallons/hour * [2 to 3] hours = [6 to 9 gallons] * (ballpark)$3 gallon = [$18-$27]. For 20 days of commuting that would be [$360-$540] per month.

Why does literally every other comment keep assuming that she has to commute?

The story says that she makes $1300 a month from disability and doesn’t have a job.

Why does she need to drive three hours a day?

I’m going to assume that, being a human being, and having a daughter, she has a social life in the city she lives in. To tell her she’s forcibly (by means of economic coercion with potential state violence to back it up) no longer to live near her social and support network is completely unethical, in my eyes - otherwise is to suggest that only the rich are allowed a stable life. No man is actually an island, as much as that is the American ideal. Replace “housing instability” with “being kicked out of their homes and told to live somewhere multiple hours away where they don’t know anybody”, and you get the actual problem.

So you're going to tell all of the people who live in a cheaper part of the US that their tax money should subsidize her so she can live in one of the most expensive cities in the US?

This reply[1] to your initial comment asked if the person would still be receiving $1300/month if she moved. To which the replies were "to commute". And so we're replying to those.

Would she still be making $1300/month in disability if she moved to Olympia? Or would it drop to near $1000? That extra $10 per day is a lot.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16873680

She's on disability which is where her sole income is derived from - she doesn't need to drive into the city every day.

Gas costs are significant expenses when you only make $1300 a month.

The point is not to drive back and forth, but to relocate.

Not just to relocate. But to relocate into a permanent situation with no hope of change. Firstly, none of those cheaper rental options fit that bill very well, those aren't places that can be relied upon for years and years. Additionally, moving away from one's support network and from the best opportunities is a hell of a thing and not something to be taken lightly. People here are pretending that this woman can simply guarantee herself a future that is more comfortable than the one she has right now by finding some cheaper apartment somewhere, and that's a proposition that is questionable at best.

Especially in this case where the end result was that she ended up just crashing on her daughter's couch, moving down to Olympia or whatever to rent out some questionable super cheap room somewhere seems like it would have been a much worse decision. Perhaps she was just waiting long enough to justify "giving up" and having to rely fully on her daughter.

It seems like the only two people she had in her life are in the Seattle area, and she had relied on them for financial support in the past. If she has car trouble or additional health problems, then that's going to be very difficult to handle

Why are you so defensive about the mere existence of a homeless person?

Right. But what transportation costs does she have when she doesn't have to work?

Unfortunately she's not here to tell us. Maybe someone could send her a link to sign up and do an AMA on HN?

Her life has situations we cannot see from this perspective and we have not lived through. It's unhelpful to discount her situation with a smug "She could be doing XYZ better".

I’m open to hearing about what special situations she has that has made it impossible to pursue the obvious options. Those things should’ve been included in the article, but they were not.

In the absence of such details, the article is basically just vaguely pulling at heartstrings.

I wasn't being smug, I was being curious.

This is a really nice piece of work! I’ve been experimenting with building something similar for my employer... I like that theming isn’t really a concern here. It makes sense because Pinterest already has a “theme” and this implementation enforces the theme. I have a few questions... These aren’t framed as “defend the choices that were made because I think they’re dumb” kind of thing, haha. I just think knowing some of the reasoning behind some of the implementation details would be illuminating.

Why not use something like Glam or Emotion to handle className generation?

With absolute positioning on <Box />... is there a reason why the top, bottom, left, right props are limited to static values of and not like top={48} or left=“12px”

Also curious on api that dictates Text component: color = css property color and Box component: color = css property background-color

Does Pinterest not use textShadow? Curious why that’s not a part of the Text component. Text styling seems to be the most difficult part of a component based design system.

Anyway this is great work! Hopefully I didn’t ask any stupid questions with obvious answers. Ha

Too many people sleep on or disparage Texas, it’s such a diverse/weird/surprising/sometimesDisapointing place. It’s definitely not some place that can be categorized or disparaged with only a few words. Disclosure: I grew up in Houston

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