I'm a big fan of Greenshot. My only issue with it is that it's not available on Linux, which I use occasionally.
Re Flameshot, I've tried it and it generally works well for me. My only beef is that the layout of the icons around the captured area is dynamic, changing based on the shape and size of the area, requiring me to actively search for an icon instead of finding it in a static, predictable location.
I worked for an organization with more than 150000 employees. All their PCs had Greenshot pre-installed and it was part of their standard software. Greenshot was used a ton over more than a decade, maybe still is, and (observed from my limited view) loved very much.
They never payed a cent to the developer - shame on them.
A friend asked his wife to create a horse and an accountant. It took her 1hr of playing to get the former, and 3hrs for the latter. I'm still laughing.
Welcome to the club. My gmail address is lastname.firstname@gmail.com and I keep receiving occasional emails for firstname.lastname@gmail.com who is actually some kind of a senior manager in one of the major TV stations. It works the other way around as well (he receives my emails - extremely rarely, but still). We simply agreed to forward them to the right person and delete afterwards so there is no issue per se, but it's still kind of funny.
Also, my daughter has firstname.lastname@gmail.com and there is another lady with the address firstnname.lastname@gmail.com (yes, a typo in her first name, duplicating one of the letters) and of course she keep receiving her emails and vice versa. Same solution - they mutually agreed to forward messages to the right person and delete them afterwards.
I propose the following challenge: find the smallest integer number that, when written in English words, equals the sum of it's letters (following gematria rules i.e. A=1, B=2 etc).
20+23+15+08+21+14+04+18+05+04+01+14+04+06+09+06+20+25+15+14+05 = 251
If you don't include "and" it's more interesting. I don't think there is an answer because the value of a number grows much faster (exponentially) than the value of its gematric sum (linearly), so once you've checked there's no example below some limit (one million is enough), there can't be any examples larger than that.
I really wanted to find an answer for your challenge but it seems there aren't any answers using the regular 1-26 gematria and numbers written in their ordinary English form (without "and"). However, I did find some answers using a "zero-indexed" gematria ranging from 0-25, and with this other English gematria described here on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Qabalah#R._Leo_Gillis'...
Python 3:
>>> num_strings = ['Zero', 'One', 'Two', ... 'Seven Hundred Thirty Two' ... ] # I tried 0 to 1000. num_strings generation script sold separately
>>> def find_gematria_matches(values): return [i for i,ns in enumerate(num_strings) if i == sum(values[ord(c)-65] for c in ns.upper() if c.isalpha())]
I was bored and played around with various letter numbering schemes, like reversed order, or digits of Pi (or E), or the value of the letter multiplied by how many times it appears in the string and so on, and so forth. I got bored eventually, but it is a great fun (for certain minds, I guess, but still).
New posts are rare - just once or twice a year - but every single article is a gem.