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The same erra

It probably allowed their engineers to code the design bits in an easier language (imagine, HTML vs C++!), allowing them to iterate and customise the design more quickly.

It's probably in the same vein as how phone apps that need a new feature quickly may decide to simply start a WebView.

Microsoft hid their web views well in many places. The special decorations rendered by Windows explorer were largely done through HTML, but they managed to make them feel native.

I think their efforts to make their own browser-based controls feel like native controls was what proved thst Microsoft did actually want the web control for convenience.

Sadly, these days that native feel is hard to come by. UI toolkits are now super complex and the "solution" seems to be to port the entire UI toolkit to a Javascript runtime, then not maintain that for a while and let it deviate from the native standard, and launch a new Javascript runtime to make up for it. Updating anything in the OS has become easy, so you don't need to design give years ahead. In two years, you can just roll out an update and change the look and feel of the built-in applications.

Literally, fentanyl is legal and regulated. It's used as an anaesthetic.

The only time I've ever been on fentanyl was in a hospital, and the nurse described it to me as the "Michael Jackson drug". I actually enjoyed the gallows humor of the nurses, as I felt it brought down the tension in an otherwise serious environment.

I thought propofol was the "Michael Jackson drug", not fentanyl.

That's even funnier because fentanyl is the Prince drug, not MJ's

Wasn't that Propofol, a sedative?

Its very different, in that I can walk in off the street and buy alcohol. As far as I know, there is noplace I can legally buy fentanyl without a prescription.

Indeed! I think the point is that "legalization" and "regulation" can take pretty different forms, not necessarily the for of the substance being generally available.

This needs to be part of the conversation.

To most people 'fentanyl' == 'The Devil', and rightly so after so many deaths.

However it does still have legitimate medical use.

Not the stuff coming in from Mexico and China.

But heroin is not. In gp comment, they are trying to get heroin and getting fentanyl instead.

there's no market clearing price in the market for concert tickets. the scalpers would exercise perfect price discrimination if they could.

> there's no market clearing price in the market for concert tickets.

How do you figure? Are you using a nonstandard definition of "market clearing price"?

> the scalpers would exercise perfect price discrimination if they could.

So what?

1/ attending a concert is not a civil right 2/ can't emphasize enough, but _get an ID_. While ID posession was used to discriminate against groups of people, the real problem here is "why doesn't everyone have an ID"?

Right, but I didn't say that attending a concert is a civil right. I also didn't say what the real problem was.

What I brought up was, knowing this, is still using ID discriminatory?

Is it? In the US, I'm not aware of any way someone can legally drive, be employed, have a bank account, or get a cell phone without having an ID. At the same time, as long as you were registered at birth, getting an ID from scratch is a little bit of legwork and probably less than $100, and that's probably subsidized if you don't have income. The number of people walking around without an ID and no way to get one has to be vanishingly small. I'm sure there's a certain fringe of people who are undocumented, on the run from the law, or otherwise encumbered in their ability to get one, but how far should we bend over to get a ticket fee from those people?

Edit: Dang it, the best answers always come after I close my laptop. "It would be discriminatory if the government didn't provide people a way to get ID. As a business owner, that's beyond the scope of my responsibility. Same as if someone showed up without $5 and wanted to buy a sandwich." ...is another way to look at it.

Who knows, if voting doesn’t motivate them, but concerts do, maybe it will cause more people to get IDs. Isn’t that a good thing?

unpopular opinion in this US-centric forum, but just burn the bags when they end up in the trash. Much of Europe does that. Bags are just hydrocarbons and burning them completely releases nothing but CO2 and water.

Then the landfill ceases to be an issue and we can focus on CO2.

Well, CO2 is a problem, but plastic bags are already more CO2 efficient than any alternative bags given the average number of uses in their lifetime.

> Much of Europe

Single-use plastic shopping bags are banned or levied in much of Europe.

What would a mass burn of plastics like this do to an area?

If the combustion is well-run and the exhaust properly filtered, nothing.

Doesn't matter, as long as they're not burnt near my yard.

The book Pathogenesis published this year has a hypothesis -- diseases from the Neanderthals and other hominids who populated the regions outside Africa earlier wiped out the earlier waves of Sapiens.

Until diseases spread back and forth enough that Sapiens had enough immunity to non-Sapien diseases, but not vice versa (due to lower population density or less diverse fauna outside Africa) which wiped out the non-Sapiens populations outside Africa.

So, Americans decided to make their language as difficult to read as Chinese?!? Well done...

/++ are spontaneous. Any time your colleague makes a great presentation, does you a favour, you /++ them.

If there are regular weekly kudos, it'd be a team-specific thing.

/++ were really common before a couple of years ago, but I get the vague feeling it's usage is declining. It used to report the accumulated number of pluses you got... So you could tell who have been the really helpful folks (or really tenured folks) out there, and for great contributions, you'd really want to chime in to a wave of ++s to show your appreciation.

Without the numbers, usage seems to have declined a bit, since there isn't the satisfaction of seeing a colleague's karma go up by, say, 10pts after a great presentation.

Still, it's a great culture tool, and something I'd want to spread at my next employer's if I leave the company.

All these company games just seem like a way to get people to do more work. In addition to doing your regular work, you now have pressure to score really high cudo points on your presentation. Can't just throw together some bullet points. Will need to work the weekend coming up with some awesome graphics.

So, cynic inside me thinking this is just another metric to game in office games..

exactly. Captchas should just ask the user to design... CAPTCHAS

Thats a lot of work just too look at funny cat videos.

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