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Commented earlier https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40776881, so this will be my last for the post…

It’s just nice to see folks wanting minimalistic but functional features. I’m ticking quite a few of these on a service I’m working on. You can see my blog running on it https://lmno.lol/alvaro

Not yet officially launched. Happy to share invites to use now (for early adopters).

It's comforting to see blogging as a topic on HN front page, along with plenty of constructive comments. I'll take some of the ideas on board.

I've been working on a blogging service myself (here's my blog on it https://lmno.lol/alvaro), focusing on minimalism, hopefully enabling the content to shine on any kind of device (you can read from your favorite terminal too).

You drag and drop your entire blog from a markdown file https://indieweb.social/@xenodium/112265481282475542 (feels more like keeping notes, which you happen to export as a blog).

Service hasn't officially launched. You can play with https://lmno.lol (ephemeral posts) without signing up. Reach out if you'd like to register a blog (invite at lmno.lol).

ps. ASCII art is not displaying properly on Android (known issue). So far, I can only fix by including a monospace font. I'd love to know if this is still possible to fix using system fonts.

The import/export reminds me of my own little blog generator project I've been working on over the years (super immature)

Essentially, your whole blog is just one file called "resume.json" that describes where all your post/pages come from, they could be external or local resources linked -> https://github.com/jsonblog/jsonblog-cli/blob/master/blog.js...

And then you have "generators" which are just functions, that can take your blog.json and output all the required html/assets to build it e.g. https://github.com/jsonblog/jsonblog-generator-boilerplate

The main idea being that you only ever have to keep safe your blog.json, which you could put as a gist or anything.

Love your setup so far, will follow along.

> I've never seen SQLite used in a setup which multiple machines connect to the same database over a network.

Cloudflare D1 https://developers.cloudflare.com/d1 offers cloud SQLite databases.

> For example: A web application with a web server, a worker/job server, and a database server.

I've been giving it a run on a blogging service https://lmno.lol. Here's my blog on it https://lmno.lol/alvaro.

oooh, this is timely. I'm working on a blogging service where you can set ASCII art as its home page header at https://lmno.lol

I was delited to find a figlet js port at https://github.com/patorjk/figlet.js, which I use to generate default headers for new blogs. You can see it on my blog https://lmno.lol/alvaro or new ones like https://lmno.lol/ivyink and https://lmno.lol/stormsprite.

Looking forward to playing with silhouettify and other suggestions in comments.

Those ascii art headers don't look correct on my phone. I'm using Firefox on Android, so that might only affect a limited group of people. But I think it should just be working with a <pre> tag and a monospace font, right?

Ooh, thanks for reporting that! Looking into it. It should look something like this https://imgur.com/a/V55N1f1 (Safari/iOS).

Same here. Brave on android

> Can you make the rest of the web like this? That would be awesome.

I'm working on something like that for blog hosting: https://lmno.lol No JS needed to read anything. You can browse from termina/lynx if you fancy

Here's mine blog on it: https://lmno.lol/alvaro

ps. Service hasn't officially launched, though happy to share invites. Already got a handful of happy users. Ping me (help at lmno.lol).

I like the minimalism. I’ve been using https://bearblog.dev as a blog recently.

Not yet officially launched, but I’m working on a no-bloat, no-tracking, no-JS… blogging platform, powered by a drag/drop markdown file: https://lmno.lol

Blogs can be read from just about any device (or your favourite terminal). My blog, as an example: https://lmno.lol/alvaro

Shared more details at https://indieweb.social/@xenodium/112265481282475542

ps. If keen to join as an early adopter, email help at lmno.lol

I’m seeing scratch solutions shared, so here’s mine for iOS


I tried to optimise for least number of taps to quickly write something down.

Here’s a blog post by a user https://irreal.org/blog/?p=11202

Anyone know of a similarly well crafted app for Android?

iA Writer (https://ia.net/writer) is on Android as well.

Thank you!

Thank you for making it, I did use it quite a bit early on, and likely will again in the near future!

Glad to hear it! Thanks!

Try the experimental compose interface https://xenodium.com/a-chatgpt-shell-compose-ux-experiment

I found myself using it the majority of the time.

If anyone’s keen to journal on iOS, I’m looking for beta testers! No login, social, tracking, etc. Saves to plain text.


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