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That doesn't include a customer support email though. Most of the times, if not all at bigger companies, there's only an email address in the imprint for legal communication, but specifically not for customer support.

Legal communication importantly covers a subscriber cancelling their contract! This is actually one of my most common use cases for writing to the "imprint" email address.

TBF I just went into this EmploymentLaw sub, and when you look at the posts here (https://www.reddit.com/r/EmploymentLaw/comments/1boucq8/cali...), it just looks like there are bots talking to bots.

I find it pretty funny tbh.

Why? It's just another perspective? It's not Signal's or encryptions fault (although many politicians will frame it like that), but it's JBs and employees fault to use it, and to set it up to remove messages in a given timeframe. Which, in this case, is probably "destroying evidence in a given timeframe".

This is also my main reason to use Firefox. I generally like Firefox, but I find Chromium more snappy. But it's Google. The Manifest V3 changes were the nail in the coffin for me.

Unfortunately I still have to use it when developing with Flutter, but otherwise I try to avoid it where I can.

While that's true, the court also said, that DNT is legally binding. That's also in the article from heise that you linked, in the second to last paragraph.

But you're right. It sounds like the court interpreted it that way, but anyways, the ruling is only about the claim, not about whether they respect DNT or not.

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