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This is why I private my social media accounts. There is already enough spam and I don't feel it needs to be any easier.

Guess it depends on your definition of a mono-repo vs multi-repo. I'd consider what we have as a mono.

We have one repo which is our main web application (user dashboard, landing page, etc..), our API, and our scheduled tasks. With how much code is shared between these services it just makes sense to keep them together.

We then have separate repo's for other services that aren't critical or apart of what was mentioned above.

When I work on solo projects, my goto is what I've dubbed the HAG stack:

  - HTMX: For client/server interactions. Returning HTML fragments is easy and lightweight.
  - AlpineJs: For interactivity that doesn't require a http request, think toggling sidebars etc...
  - Go: Primary development language, simplistic and easy to get started with. Fast compilation and with embedded files I can ship a single binary for deployment that contains all required assets.
Tertiary and other tools/services I use:

  - Turso (Sqlite): Primary datastore, great to use for a "db per user/tenant" approach."
  - Redis: Sometimes I use redis over turso, depending on need. Also used for caching. I've been moving much more into Turso though, especially with the embedded replica's.
  - Docker: Everything is built into docker images. For my Go app I disable CGO and use Google's "distroless" container images as the base image.
  - Fly.io: Hosting everything.

Variation: swap Django for Go for the "batteries included", especially admin interface.

Maybe swap HTMX for Unpoly which is more polished IMO.

+1 for Unpoly.

I was checking out HTMX the other day but I am not really convinced. There's a lot I like about using HTML to define API calls, but I want to keep the backend free of unnecessary burden (and therefore free of frontend related rendering tasks).

I'm looking for something like HTMX in its methodology, which uses HTML attributes for defining API calls and where the data comes from without having to write additional glue code in JS... but which uses OpenAPI as a schema for serialization/deserialization of data to/from the API endpoints.

Maybe something like that exists which I couldn't find with my Google Fu?

Too each their own, that's the great thing with programming, you can find what you like/want and use that. As you can probably tell I don't feel it is a burden on the backend. I subscribe to the thought that state is managed on the backend, and the browser is just the users client to view those hypermedia responses provided by the server. Template fragments in Go make it easy to only serve the necessary HTML from my templates, or if it's a full page request I can send the entire page.

I'm not sure of anything like what you described, good luck on the search for it. If you find/develop anything ensure you post an obscene amount of memes on twitter for optimal discoverability by tech influencers.

Returning JSON instead of HTML is just the same. And you can still go back to JSON some interactive UI (Maps, RT Chats,…) but if the UI seldom updates and mostly on navigation, it’s great. I’m currently using Laravel and livewire for a project and not worrying about frontend state is nice. and if you worry about scaling, you can make the web service stateless, moving everything to the DB and external services (logs, caching?, jobs queue).

This is with server side rendering, right? What do you use to "secure" go?

I'm familiar with go, but I always write JSON apis with it, not SSR.

In rails protect from forgery ensures csrf token is put in there to ensure security and authentication is provided by devise, or omniauth or the framework, but if I wanted to roll my own the framework provides tools to safely compare password hashes to avoid timing attacks. Is there anything similar for Go? I'd love to write my next project with that instead of Rails.

Ideally, I also need an "admin UI" of some sort (activeadmin in rails)

I moved from T-Mobile to Visible, and my SO from AT&T to Visible. It was well worth it, we now pay $80 combined with unlimited 5G (incl. cellular for our watches) and have had no issues. We've been to concerts (Taylor Swift) and never had any issues with our connection. So far, this was a great choice.

All the features you requested Turso can do, no?

> - SQLite runs next to server as production database

Embedded Replicas[1]

> - In dev, some sort of worker auto-copies the prod DB to the local repo. Production bugs can be reproduced easily and code fixed quickly

Maybe not exactly this, but you can replicate a DB from another with the CLI tool. Then just use that as a dev db.

> - Have an interface that lets you access, view, and modify data in the production DB, kind of like Firebase. Might need a server of its own... or couldn't that just be the app server itself?

I don't use their web interface, but I think it does allow this? I don't know for sure though.

> - SQLite auto-backs up to a bucket (like Litestream)

Turso does have point-in-time recovery[2]

[1] https://docs.turso.tech/features/embedded-replicas/introduct... [2] https://docs.turso.tech/features/point-in-time-recovery

> They could produce their 21-year-old younger sister, who has government ID (yeah, I know, that is a resort to government ID).

1. How would you verify that's actually their relative and not a friend or stranger? 2. How do you verify that they are in fact the older sibling and not just saying they are?

Oh great, another tool to enable spammers that target users cannot opt-out of.


I'm sure this is "normal" industry practice (not like I'd know since I've never tried doing SEO), but having a service that just uses AI to generate articles/blog posts for you just so you can have a better SEO rank seems, unpleasant.

I just don't like that people and businesses are using AI to create articles about "choosing the right video editing software" just for better SEO ranking.

At present one can just submit a topic to ChatGPT and generate an entire article on their own. But that's not sufficient enough to fit the parameters of E-E-A-T which helps rank your page/post on Google.

In the above example, you are correct it would not be as relevant as it should be. But in cases like How to achieve X, it would be more relevant or maybe where a visitor is just trying to understand a subject that has nothing to do with listing brand names. I am trying to tap into long-tail keywords that can help rank quickly rather than the Listicle articles. Apart from that I'm also trying to customize different types of articles based on our current users who are sharing feedbacks.

May I ask if you have created blog posts which drives traffic? Do you realistically feel that as a founder have invest time into writing articles all by yourself consistently everyday for your website? In my experience, you really do not get that amount of time to dedicate for Blog generation & SEO. This has been the same problem with me as well. So if AI could help you achieve some part of it, why not leverage it to start driving organic traffic.

> Need an external tool to invert mouse wheel scroll direction but not the touchpad scroll direction.

This is probably my biggest gripe with macOS right now. Are there no developers at Apple who find this to be an issue?

> Sure, if you run an air-gapped network in some military facility, you can get things working without DNS, but 99.999% networks can't work without a DNS.

It's funny you say that, because in the air-gapped network in some military facility I work in, we actually replicate certain public DNS entries to have some specific systems and services working for our developers.

Of course, you want SNMP monitors get you and email as an alert, you have to setup auth DNS with xyz.local and use it in air-gapped environments for your alert mails. Hard drive failure?, RX/TX errors on a switch port? fire up mail over SMTP with an SNMP agent, etc. the list goes on and on.

Network without DNS is un-useable. Apologies for my english, it is not my native language.

> you have to setup auth DNS with xyz.local and use it in air-gapped environments for your alert mails

True, but I was talking more about creating DNS entries for NPM (and other package managers) and redirecting them to our internal services. I just thought it was funny to mention since we impersonate public sites on our internal air-gapped network.

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