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> Mexico has it's problems

Like being completely compromised by the drug cartels and effectively a narco-state?[0]


That level of criminalization and corruption is no different than any other middle income countries sadly.

For example, the ex-Interior Minister in China getting arrested for corruption in 2014 as $14.5 Billion in assets were found [0]

Or $20 Billion in Russian investments being laundered in 2010-17 by the Laundromat [1]

Or the Odenbrecht Scandal in Brazil that toppled Dima Roussef due to $0.5 Billion in bribes [2]

Or the 2G Spectrum Allocation scandal in India that caused the govt to lose $25 Billion [3]

There is a whole subfield related to this which I did some research and policywork in.

[0] - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-corruption-zhou/exc...

[1] - https://www.occrp.org/en/laundromat/

[2] - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odebrecht_Case

[3] - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2G_spectrum_case

You must be new here. Many companies keep ex-C-levels nominally employed as 'consultants' so their stock can vest (which is typically the bulk of their compensation) and avoid any expensive/public lawsuits. It's paying them off to quietly go away without spending any cash.

We tell them to build. There are planet scale transformations underway and we need another incarnation of the WPA to help mitigate the impacts.

For example, the pine bark beetle is ravaging the forests of the Sierra Nevadas. Millions of dead trees just waiting for the next PGE power line to drop or lightning bolt to strike so why not head out with a few thousand young bodies and start felling that timber and getting it to mills?

What about some sea walls? Forget waiting for giant cranes and pontoons, how about people start dropping cement rubble in the ocean around coastal communities, one dinghy at a time? The coral is on its way out, time to reinvent some of that Roman cement and mitigate the hurricanes' impact.

How many roads could use some form of a retaining wall in the event of a deluge? There's got to be thousands of spots in the US alone. Wire covered rubble? Gabions? Deadman walls? Whatever works!

The list goes on and on.

Well, we wouldn't want the Okinawans and Yokohamans to kick us out, after all.

My friend who was killed by a repeated drunk driver might have argued otherwise. If you can't drive responsibly, it's in society's interest to make sure you never do.

>Someone apparently felt that was worthless.

There is a significant probability that mom was tired of hearing "I'm gonna move it out of the garage, soon" and just said to hell with it.

>It's harder to reverse-engineer an unconscious process

Aside from some basic life support systems, don't almost all movements start with conscious effort? Whether you are deliberate about the exercise or not, you practice and practice until you develop 'muscle memory' where it becomes unconscious: walking, dribbling a basketball, holding a G chord on a guitar, etc.

600+ tribes in North America and there is no evidence of pre-contact written language for any tribe north of the SW desert border.

There are so many tipping points and cascading effects at work that I doubt we have any real understanding of everything that is happening at the macroscopic level, nor even if we did could we battle everything everywhere all at once. I suspect whole swaths of humanity are in for perilous times ahead as the speed of the variances will outpace our collective ability to adapt. As the wizened Tool once sang[0], "Learn to swim, see you down in Arizona Bay".


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