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Flawless Widescreen and Special K can each do some of the things you’d really want from a top quality port, like ultra wide and >60FPS.

to be fair, the US still has statues to honor slavers, people continuously downplay what they did, etc. people aren’t a monoculture, though Japan definitely still has its own issues with their past

your phone already has some tens or hundreds of SQLite databases on it. it requires some care, but many already go through the effort in their apps, so i can imagine web developers going to the same effort if they need it.

though i can also imagine them going through that effort when they don’t, so…

if i recall correctly, 500

https://github.com/minimaxir/hacker-news-undocumented is useful in figuring out these undocumented karma limits.

An inverted funnel of world coin, it seems.

What’s the probability that Martian-Terran humans will get frustrated by sending off Earth’s vast and plentiful resources in 100 - 200 years, and they wage open nuclear and biological war on Mars to wipe out all Martian humans?

I mean, on the other hand you could be dealing with an unreliable CGI-served page where errors are eaten and hidden in ajax calls, wishing they’d used a reliable javascript framework[1] instead.

[1]: an oxymoron, I know

The point is that people spend far too much effort worrying about the ten millionth user rather than concentrating on making a reliable product for the hundred or two they have. “Can’t use cgi because we can only support 100 concurrent users per VM” is meaningless, concentrate on the real problem of building a site that doesn’t crash out silently

It's interesting that you say "some due diligence is required" and go on to put the burden of that diligence on Cliff, rather than the creator of the marketplace.

It should be pointed out that in a country like India or China it IS often the marketplaces legal responsibility to prevent counterfeit merchandise from being sold in their market. If you go into many malls for example there are signs up on the walls with a hotline to report people selling counterfeit merchandise. In India, they have a service you can contact that enforces returns/refunds of any counterfeit item that you purchase from a vendor (though usually mentioning the hotline and threatening to call it is more than enough to convince the vendor to give you a refund).

For all the captchas on this site you have to check every box, IIRC.

`tput sgr0` reads terminfo to find out how to issue a command which resets all currently set colors, text properties, and so on, then resets them. A lot of people will do something like `echo -e '\E[32;46m'`, but that's arguably more opaque and definitely not portable across terminals.

tput is a neat command that I wish got used more! I also use `tput cnorm` to ensure the cursor is visible.

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