They also changed the design of issue comments, but seemingly reverted it back to the old design in production? (If you check the first video on the blog you can see e.g. the profile picture inside of the comment, while the old and current version has it on the outside.)
Oh common?! Do you own the travel path when driving down the highway? No you don't but there are agreed upon and codified rules on right of way that protect your right to safe passage or navigation. Similar convention applies to air space and air travel, look up Annex 2: Rules of the Air by ICAO which outlines right of way principles for air travel
The FAA confirmed that debris fell outside designated areas, temporarily disrupting air traffic and causing several aircraft to divert or delay flights.
* Step 1: Make friends with a ZFS developer.
* Step 2: Guilt him into writing patches to add support as soon as a new kernel is released.
* Step 3: Enjoy
Adding support for a new kernel release to ZFS is usually only a few hours of work. I have done it in the past more than a dozen times.
Unless you’re using Debian backports, and they backport a new kernel a week before the zfs backport package update happens.
Happened to me more than once. I ended up manually changing the kernel version limitations the second time just to get me back online, but I don’t recall if that ended up hurting me in the long run or not.
No, I see the green, but I don't see any shaded green. Though this has probably to do that ISBNs are distributed in blocks and every pixel is either red or green?