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Yeah you do have to reconstitute old reddit links, although I just let the script take me there. The userscript I'm using that is.

I'm a screen reader user. It's similar for me, accept if I really wanted to navigate around the ads I suppose i could. However i do have chronic migraines, so that reduces my ability to care about ads. Or X embeds, Or facebook sharing widgets. So no, it isn't just an ad thing, it's a let's not take a whole bunch of energy to navigate a page thing.

I sympathise. It annoys me to no end that accessibility seems to be an afterthought on the modern web.

Another thing for me is that popups annoy me. If I get too many modals pop up on a page, I get emotionally frustrated. This is quite common these days with some websites– all it takes is one GDPR cookies modal and an AI chat popup in the bottom right corner– and that's already way more frustration than my brain can handle.

I really do not like cookie consent popups! I've installed extensions to try and block them, oh and you know what else I try and block? Those AI overlays that say they're trying to make the web more accessible. Because they really aren't doing the thing they say they're supposed to be doing.

I do this, and run Ubo on top of it. Mostly for social media tracking purposes.

I just had to login to say if you trust AI for that your stupid! I mean I'm half being sarcastic, but really? I would never participate in this kind of research.

I spend a lot of time on Youtube, I watch live trials, so this helps a lot, thanks!

Oh yeah, I'm definitely an archivist. I'm between RSs readers right now, trying to find a screen reader accessible web-based one. I'll have to give this a try when I do. The feed says it isn't valid though, can you fix that?

Sorry, what do you mean "the feed says it isn't valid"? Which feed are you trying to use that isn't working?

OK, it was this one. https://refeed.to/feeds/CIipRO1b.xml When I pull it up in an RSS extension it doesn't come up either, just the XML comes up.

The XML is the feed, so many feed readers will accept the XML link. I tried it in Feedly, elfeed, and NewsBlur and they all accept the XML link, but Inoreader and Feedbro don't see the feed. I'd like to get the working with as many feed readers as possible so I'll look into what I need to change to get it working with those two. Which reader are you currently using?

Sure, I understand the XML is the feed. I just have a feed preview extension installed so I can look at RSS feeds in the browser. They help with accessibility at times, as I do use a screen reader. I set up The Old Reader so I could give myself back some feeds! I was in between readers, as I was testing a bunch. It was The Old Reader that said it was invalid.

Okay, I made some changes that should make the format a little more universal. And thank you very much for your patience with this while I work out some kinks. The initial link you had may still work, or you can try this new one:


That works, thanks!

If you have any suggestions for a better and accessible feed reader, I'd certainly appreciate them! I've been looking for exactly 11 years now!

Unfortunately, I doubt I have anything useful to suggest. I've been a very happy use of Feedly for years, but I don't know how well they do with accessibility or how screen reader-friendly it might be. The best I can offer is a list of web-based readers that I used to test that my links could be read, but if you've been on the hunt for that long then I'd guess you've already looked into all of these, and I don't know how accessible any of them are, either. But just in case it's at all helpful:

  - https://feedly.com
  - https://www.inoreader.com
  - https://www.newsblur.com
  - Feedbro, a Firefox extension
  - https://theoldreader.com (mentioned by you)
  - elfeed (an Emacs package, so not web-based)

I haven't looked into Feedly lately. When I tested Feedbro, I wasn't able to access it at all, unfortunately! I suppose I could try again.

What does it do, exactly? Is it a blog platform, or a feed hosting service, like feedpress?

Micro Blog platform, supports rss feeds.

Yay well, anything that supports RSS is cool in my book!

I know for me I'll have to stop using the internet. I can't take any chances. I can't upload government Ids everywhere I go, especially if the systems are not accessible with screen readers.

Yes please do! I did.

I know i'll be done with the internet completely if this rule goes through. I will not want to upload government IDs with inaccessible systems.

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