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As a junior dev decades ago I was once asked to change a perfectly good database (with integer IDs) to use natural keys, so to look up (or SQL join to) a particular office for instance your query would filter on Country, City and Street with the expectation that you get one result.

This was the dumbest technical decision I have ever been asked to be a part of.

You should demand a refund. Or, archive mail by year so the underlying SQLite database file is smaller and make sure it's not your mail provider that's slow.

Yes, second to the archiving mail by year advice.

Also switching over to maildirs (which is a one-time inconvenience) means that you can share the same maildir with mu et al. Sharing your maildir is definitely not supported though! :)

I hope that long term the browser gets first class Windows support (currently it's via linux running under WSL), just because broad reach is best for longevity/sustainable relevance.

If you build for a particular shape/character of OS (linux/BSD as it currently stands) then a lot of the abstraction that would be needed for a truly "cross-platform" app doesn't happen.

Absolutely. As a great example, code that was architected to use either poll/epoll/kqueue/etc and IOCP under Windows was in a great position to just adopt io_uring without much rearchitecting!

Under what circumstances do you need to give Cloudflare your private keys? Certificates they acquire for their services (on your domain) use their own private keys.

Any private keys for your domain are your private keys. What makes them yours is who they allow to be impersonated.

It's not your certificate, it's theirs and they're letting you use it.

The domain is yours, but you let them complete domain validation to get their certificate.

When making an alternative to something, don't reference the name of the thing you're copying if that thing has (or can afford) a legal team to protect their brand. If your product can reasonably be confused with the original (it can) they will eat your soul.

Huh? So reactos shouldn't say they build an alternative to Windows? As long as you build it yourself and don't steal any resources or secrets, there is no problem mentioning that it's an alternative or replacement for another product. What's much more dangerous is picking a name for your own product that resembles the original.

More that they should not have called it Windowz

You can reference the competitor, but you don't want there to be any risk that a moron in a hurry might confuse your product with theirs, else you're in for a trademark violation.

Wonder how Gitlab survived next to Github then. To first approximation, the names are the same, and so are the products...

Git is a registered trademark of neither GitLab or GitHub. Both GitLab and GitHub have negotiated the usage of the Git trademark. Provided they follow the rules set out for them, they can continue to use it.

As an employee of one of them I personally bought the git.new domain. I paid a good chunk for it and was going to build a new project template builder on it. I got.. talked too by legal about this. Because as an employee it actually violated one of those rules.

So that’s the how, and why I know.

The dispute happens only if one party owns the trademark and sends a Cease & Desist letter. Different companies have different approaches to aggression here.

Second, it has to prove that it confuses customers (e.g. if you pick ten end users and do tests if they find that confusing). Maybe a sophisticated tech audience is better at finding differences than the general public.

Both of these are built on top of git, an open source project, so Gitlab is not a riff on Github. Perplexica on the other hand seems like a direct reference to Perplexity, not on the concept of being perplexed by something.

Yet the way git is used is still similar. Both lead with ‘git’ in their name, both append a pithy three letter suffix to ‘git’ that both describe some kind of space where people meet to do stuff. Surely that’s more than just coincidence.

Isn't "Perplexity" itself a direct reference to a machine learning term that, among other things, is very relevant to large language models, on top of which Perplexity is built?

That's a far more tenuous link than "gitlab hosts git repos".


Actually I loved it. I dont think they have any grounds to sue. Its different and close enough. Also they wouldn’t sue a project on github, if they do they show their faces its worse for them. Also many forks will happen and they have to sue many. Worst case you change the name of the repo. Thats the power of open source ;)

Isn't Yuzu a good counter example?

Yuzu’s downfall was not the repo, it was their Discord. They were sharing DRM cracking keys on there and getting paid $30K/month on Patreon. It’s the same reason most emulators require you to bring your own BIOS.

It does not sound relevant to me, because that was a case of "video game piracy". It was not about the name per se.

That's awesome, I had no idea that was a feature, using it now!

We often have several hundred of them arrive in one batch where we are (in Australia), then they get delivered to customers and the next batch arrives. Is this different?

Honestly doesn't seem too different from non-ev cars. Anyone that's lived anywhere near a car factory has seen thousands of them sitting in the huge parking lot before they get shipped out. Tesla doesn't have brick and mortar dealerships so the cars gotta sit somewhere.

Tesla has more than double the P/E of the rest of the industry so this had better be a logistics problem that means they are moving to a lot more sales and not just tapering demand.

Unreal is a bloated way to develop WebGPU projects for the web. PlayCanvas is a sensible solution if your target is web.

Uh guys, yeah.. Adobe are on the phone saying something about trademark infringement, apparently Flash is something else? I don't know, I've never heard of it..

Interestingly, until your comment I hadn't made any connection with old Flash, even though I spent hundreds of hours making Flash games.

This suggests names don't stick around for long and can be re-used. Perhaps Google could bring back "Buzz" and "Wave" since enough time has passed!

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