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Georgia (country) did this with great success in 2003. https://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/case-study/siezing-mom...

For those who still want news, I think reuters provides the most balance. They do still lean left at times though with overuse of phrases like "far right".

Doing a Google search 'site:reuters.com "far right"' I couldn't find any hit where the "far-right" would be inappropriate. Could you give an example where Reuters is left-leaning in your opinion.

That seems to be true. But partly so because there don't seem to be any hits for "far right" in their coverage of US politics. Good for them.

I doubt this would be true for NYT, WaPo, etc., but I am indeed too lazy to look.

For those too young to remember what reasonable journalism used to look like, Reuters and AP are probably the closest, in the MSM.

> That seems to be true. But partly so because there don't seem to be any hits for "far right" in their coverage of US politics. Good for them.

How is that a good thing? "Far right" and "far left" are both perfectly fine terms to describe certain political ideologies and movements.

In 2020, "far right" has become a cheap epithet frequently applied to half of the country. (cf "deplorables") As such, it really has no application by a neutral news source anymore.

Or, to put it another way, if half of the electorate holds fairly similar views, they cannot reasonably be described as "far right" (or "far left", for that matter). The "far" end would be maybe one percent, not fifty.

In any case, I appreciate journalists that simply describe the situation, and allow me to decide for myself what I think about it. Hard to remember now, but that's how it actually used to be.

"Far right" and "far left" are both garbage terms, as they frame the political gamut to favor some reasonable "center", with that supposed "center" being economically-expedient authoritarianism. Use of the prefix "far-" is essentially just Overton window policing.

I know it's hard for people to stomach. But look at the difference in the number of results for far left vs far right and you can see the bias.

A good way to rank the level of scumminess among SV companies: Signup with a credit card and don't validate your email address or ever sign into your account. You'd be amazed how many companies will happily start charging you.

How is that scummy? You bought something, and they're charging you for it.

How can you cancel (without cc chargebacks) if you typed in the wrong email address?

Email and ask.

I routinely cancel subscriptions for S3stat customers who have forgotten which old employee first signed up for the service, or just don’t want to bother logging back in to do so. A name, or even company name is plenty.

I imagine it’s scummy when your site is used for fraud.

This could also be explained by poor engineering. It's basically an exception to the rule that might be overlooked.

Shouldn't be the case for a big company, but a smaller one- man startup could easily make this mistake and not be scummy.

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